VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid 1.x
Tanzu Package deployed Harbor
This issue arose due to a cert-manager API version change(v1alpha2 -> v1) introduced during the package upgrade. After the upgrade, cert-manager should have reissued all the certificates used by the harbor components for internal communication. However, only the cert for harbor-core was issued, leaving the remaining certificates unchanged and putting harbor in an incomplete state. Additionally, the certificate specification changed, deprecating the "organization" field in certificates generated by the newer version of cert-manager, leading to a subject mismatch.
For example:
In TKG 1.4, Subject: O = Project Harbor, CN = harbor-core
In TKG 1.5, Subject: CN = harbor-core
This is a known issue affecting the Harbor package in TKG1.5.
For any upgrade case involving cert-manager and harbor, please double-check the data age of the certificate and secret for the harbor.
If we encounter a situation like what was observed below, where only the data age of harbor-core is changed:
# kubectl get secrets -n tanzu-system-registry
default-token-rhb6q kubernetes.io/service-account-token 3 449d
harbor-ca-key-pair kubernetes.io/tls 3 449d
harbor-core-internal-tls kubernetes.io/tls 3 14h
harbor-core-ver-1 Opaque 6 449d
harbor-database-ver-1 Opaque 1 449d
harbor-jobservice-internal-tls kubernetes.io/tls 3 449d
harbor-jobservice-ver-1 Opaque 2 449d
harbor-notary-server-ver-1 Opaque 2 449d
harbor-notary-server-ver-2 Opaque 2 449d
harbor-notary-signer kubernetes.io/tls 3 449d
harbor-portal-internal-tls kubernetes.io/tls 3 449d
harbor-registry-htpasswd Opaque 1 20h
harbor-registry-internal-tls kubernetes.io/tls 3 449d
harbor-registry-ver-1 Opaque 3 449d
harbor-registry-ver-2 Opaque 2 20h
harbor-tls kubernetes.io/tls 3 449d
harbor-token-service kubernetes.io/tls 3 449d
harbor-trivy-internal-tls kubernetes.io/tls 3 449d
harbor-trivy-ver-1 Opaque 2 449d
please follow these steps to resolve the problem.
1. Delete the following certificates
# kubectl delete certificate harbor-core-internal-cert harbor-jobservice-internal-cert harbor-notary-signer-cert harbor-portal-internal-cert harbor-registry-internal-cert harbor-token-service-cert harbor-trivy-internal-cert -n tanzu-system-registry
2. Delete the following secrets
# kubectl delete secret harbor-core-internal-tls harbor-jobservice-internal-tls harbor-notary-signer harbor-portal-internal-tls harbor-registry-internal-tls harbor-token-service harbor-trivy-internal-tls -n tanzu-system-registry
3. Monitor the reissuing of certificates
# kubectl get certificate -n tanzu-system-registry
4. Watch the output for more than 10 minutes to ensure that all certificates are reissued.
5. Delete all pods in the tanzu-system-registry namespace
kubectl delete pods --all -n tanzu-system-registry.
6. Wait for more than 5 minutes for all pods to become ready.
7. Perform a Docker login/push and pull to verify that the issue is resolved.
Unable to perform a Docker login causing issues pulling/pushing images to the Harbor registry.