VMware vSphere Web Client 6.0 reports error: "Unable to load recent tasks from one or more vCenter Server systems: No matching LinkedVcGroup Found"
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VMware vSphere Web Client 6.0 reports error: "Unable to load recent tasks from one or more vCenter Server systems: No matching LinkedVcGroup Found"


Article ID: 345598


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server


After a sequential upgrade of vCenter Single Sign-On and vCenter Server in Multisite mode from 5.1.x to 6.0, you experience these symptoms:

  • VMware vSphere Web Client displays an empty inventory
  • In the vSphere Web Client, you see the error:

    No matching LinkedVcGroup Found


VMware vCenter Server 6.0.x


This issue occurs when:

  • There are duplicate vCenter Server registration entries in the lookup service prior to upgrading to 6.0
  • Component Manager does not remove the stalled 5.1 vCenter Server end points during the upgrade


This is a known issue affecting vSphere 6.0.

To resolve this issue, remove the duplicate registered vCenter Server instance.

  1. Log in to the server with the Platform Services Controller installed.
  2. Open a Windows Command Prompt as administrator.
  3. Create a text file with a list of the services registered within the Platform Services Controller by running this command:

    "%VMWARE_PYTHON_BIN%\python.exe" "%VMWARE_CIS_HOME%\VMware Identity Services\lstool\scripts\lstool.py" list --url http://localhost:7080/lookupservice/sdk --type vcenterserver > c:\psc_services.txt
  4. Open the generated text file which has list of services registered to the Platform Services Controller. Identify the duplicate service ID
  5. Run this command to unregister the duplicate service endpoint:

    "%VMWARE_PYTHON_BIN%\python.exe" "%VMWARE_CIS_HOME%\VMware Identity Services\lstool\scripts\lstool.py" unregister --url http://localhost:7080/lookupservice/sdk --id Service_ID --user "[email protected]" --password "Enter_administrator_password" --no-check-cert

    Where Service_ID is the Service ID noted in Step 4.

    For example, "<C:\Program Files\VMware\vCenter Server\python\python.exe>" "<C:\Program Files\VMware\vCenter Server\VMware Identity Services\lstool\scripts\lstool.py>" unregister --url http://localhost:7080/lookupservice/sdk --id default-first-site:############## --user "[email protected]" --password "password" --no-check-cert