How to generate NSX Manager Super User Principal Identity Scripts for PKS
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How to generate NSX Manager Super User Principal Identity Scripts for PKS


Article ID: 345583


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This article explains about how to create NSX Manager & NSX Manager Superuser Principal Identity Certificates.


VMware PKS 1.x


You will provide the NSX Manager & Superuser Principal Identify certificates in the Ops manager while deploying Bosh/PKS tiles.

To generate and register these certificates, see the below pages in VMware PKS documentation:

Alternatively, use the following two scripts to generate the Super User Principal Identity certificate and private key and register the identity with NSX Manager:
  • – Creates the certificate and private key and uploads the certificate to NSX Manager
  • – Creates the principal identity from the certificate and registers the identity with NSX Manager
NOTE: These scripts must be run on a Linux host with OpenSSL installed. In addition, the Linux host must be able to call the NSX Manager API. A good place to run these scripts is the PKS Client VM where the PKS CLI is installed.
  1. Download the scripts:
  2. Log into a Linux VM in your PKS environment, such as the PKS Client VM.
  3. Run the following command to create an empty file for the first script: nano
  4. Copy the contents of the script you downloaded to the new file you created.
  5. Update the values for the first two lines to match your environment:
    • NSX_MANAGER_IP – IP address of the NSX Manager host
    • NSX_MANAGER_USERNAME – Username for NSX Manager
  6. Save the script and run it using the following command: bash
  7. When prompted enter the NSX_MANAGER_PASSWORD for the NSX user you provided in the script.
  8. Verify results: the certifcate and private key are generated; the certificate is uploaded to the NSX Manager and the CERTIFICATE_ID value is returned to the console. You need this ID for the second script.
  9. Run the following command to create an empty file for the second script: nano
  10. Copy the contents of script you download to the new file you created.
  11. Update the values for the first three lines to match your environment.
    • NSX_MANAGER_IP – IP address of the NSX Manager host
    • NSX_MANAGER_USERNAME – Username for NSX Manager
    • CERTIFICATE_ID – Returned from the script
  12. Save the script and run it using the following command: bash
  13. When prompted enter the NSX_MANAGER_PASSWORD for the NSX user you provided in the script.
  14. During configuration of PKS, copy/paste the contents of the certificate and private key to the NSX Manager Super User Principal Identity Certificate fields in the Networking tab of the PKS tile.