VMware Enterprise PKS cluster creation fails with error "Unable to find network"
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VMware Enterprise PKS cluster creation fails with error "Unable to find network"


Article ID: 345581


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  • PKS cluster creation fails with error unable to find network.

  • When checked on the NSX-T, we see that the logical switch is stuck in progress.

  • Any new logical switch created will also get stuck in progress state.

  • Bosh task for cluster creation gives the error similar to:
    Task 7678 | 00:29:40 | Preparing deployment: Preparing deployment
    Task 7678 | 00:29:55 | Creating missing vms: master/ed902804-7d78-4e04-a8b0-27c3ece35d43 (2)
    Task 7678 | 00:29:55 | Creating missing vms: worker/fcb2e858-9744-4834-a7ab-53505e1e0527 (0)
    Task 7678 | 00:29:55 | Creating missing vms: worker/a3005421-1df9-4e13-b127-3d86baf35107 (1) (00:00:31)
                         L Error: Unknown CPI error 'Unknown' with message 'Unable to find network 'pks-3ba416d0-424b-4fba-88c5-ad142e16062b'. Verify that the portgroup exists.' in 'create_vm' CPI method (CPI request ID: 'cpi-422265')
    Task 7678 | 00:30:26 | Creating missing vms: worker/fcb2e858-9744-4834-a7ab-53505e1e0527 (0) (00:00:31)
                         L Error: Unknown CPI error 'Unknown' with message 'Unable to find network 'pks-3ba416d0-424b-4fba-88c5-ad142e16062b'. Verify that the portgroup exists.' in 'create_vm' CPI method (CPI request ID: 'cpi-958580')
    Task 7678 | 00:30:27 | Creating missing vms: master/e8c47d85-6472-4e09-8040-f2dfeee783ab (0) (00:00:32)
                         L Error: Unknown CPI error 'Unknown' with message 'Unable to find network 'pks-3ba416d0-424b-4fba-88c5-ad142e16062b'. Verify that the portgroup exists.' in 'create_vm' CPI method (CPI request ID: 'cpi-140376')

  • In the /var/log/nsxaVim.log on the ESXi host, you see the log entries similar to:
    2019-08-20T02:32:11Z nsxaVim: [17072153]: ERROR Failed to connect to hostd: [{'fault': 'NoPermission', 'faultMessage': [], 'msg': 'Permission to perform this operation was denied.'}]
    2019-08-20T02:32:11Z nsxaVim: [17072153]: ERROR [resync] Failed to connect to hostd: [{'fault': 'NoPermission', 'faultMessage': [], 'msg': 'Permission to perform this operation was denied.'}]
    2019-08-20T02:32:11Z nsxaVim: [17072153]: INFO resync.py replied error: [failed to connect to hostd: {'fault': 'NoPermission', 'faultMessage': [], 'msg': 'Permission to perform this operation was denied.'}]
    2019-08-20T02:32:11Z nsxaVim: [17072153]: INFO [resync] resync.py replied error: [failed to connect to hostd: {'fault': 'NoPermission', 'faultMessage': [], 'msg': 'Permission to perform this operation was denied.'}]
    2019-08-20T02:32:33Z nsxaVim: [2102488]: INFO Result msg:[b"error: not ready. reason: error: failed to connect to hostd: {'msg': 'Permission to perform this operation was denied.', 'fault': 'NoPermission', 'faultMessage': []}"]


VMware PKS 1.x


The issue occurs if there is Lockdown mode enabled on the ESXi hosts.


This is a known issue with VMware NSX-T 2.4.x and will be resolved in future release.


To workaround the issue, disable the Lockdown mode on the ESXi hosts.

Additional Information


Logical switch creation will not succeed on the NSX-T due to permission issue when the host is in Lockdown mode