To update a new NTP server IP address on the control plane:
- Update the new NTP server IP address at Bosh tile > Director Config > NTP Server section.
- Navigate to Bosh tile > Director Config, enable the Recreate All VMs option.
- Apply changes WITHOUT upgrade all cluster errands in PKS. This will recreate the bosh,pks and harbor vm.
Note: The above steps will update the NTP on bosh,pks and harbor vm. However, this will not update on the service-instances as opsman does not have control of it.
In order to update NTP IP address on the deployment nodes, follow the below steps.
1. Export the manifest file for the cluster by running the below command.
bosh -d service-instance_ad5b49ae-eca0-46bc-9559-62ba9f7aeea6 manifest > service-instance_ad5b49ae-eca0-46bc-9559-62ba9f7aeea6.yml
2. Redeploy the cluster by running the below command. This command will recreate the cluster.
bosh -d service-instance_ad5b49ae-eca0-46bc-9559-62ba9f7aeea6 deploy service-instance_ad5b49ae-eca0-46bc-9559-62ba9f7aeea6.yml --recreate
Once the changes are applied successfully, you may ssh into the nodes and validate by running the below commands.
- Cat /var/vcap/bosh/etc/ntpserver to see the new NTP server IP
- Few additional commands that can be run to validate
- chronyc activity - show the active ntp servers
- chronyc tracking - show the status as per above
- chronyc sources - [-v] : Display information about current sources
- chronyc sourcestats - [-v] : Display estimation information about current sources