Fail to reach “running” state in Kubernetes when using the beta version of Windows container support with PKS
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Fail to reach “running” state in Kubernetes when using the beta version of Windows container support with PKS


Article ID: 345535


Updated On:


VMware Cloud PKS


If you are using the beta version of Windows container support with VMware Enterprise PKS and your Windows containers fail to reach the “running” state in Kubernetes, you may be impacted by the latest security updates by Microsoft.

You might encounter issues using Windows Server containers, unless both the Windows container host and the Windows Server containers are matched with the February 11, 2020 security update. Compatibility was affected by a security change that must be addressed in both the container host and the container image, requiring them to match.


We recommend you update your PKS Windows stemcells and the Windows worker nodes to the February 11, 2020 security update by Microsoft. In addition, we recommend you update and rebuild your container images using the base operating systems released by Microsoft on February 18, 2020.

For additional information, please refer to this advisory from Microsoft: