vRA 7.x services fail when modifying the vIDM database
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vRA 7.x services fail when modifying the vIDM database


Article ID: 345519


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


The issue of vRealize Automation 7.x services failing when modifying the vIDM database is resolved in vRealize Automation 7.1.


After modifying the vIDM database, you experience these symptoms:

  • All vRealize Automation services fail
  • vIDM is unable to communicate with its database
  • In the horizon.log file of vRealize Automation appliance, you see entries similar to:

    org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "horizon"

Note: The preceding log excerpts are only examples. Date, time, and environmental variables may vary depending on your environment.


This issue occurs when the vIDM database is modified through the vIDM configuration page located at https://<VRA-HOST>:8443/cfg/setup.

vIDM is intended to be configured and consumed entirely by the vRealize Automation appliance web pages and is not intended to be directly changed from https://VRA-HOST:8443/cfg/setup. Any changes to the configuration from the https://VRA-HOST:8443/cfg/setup website is not supported and results in failure of the vRealize Automation services.


This issue is resolved in vRealize Automation 7.1, available at VMware Downloads.

To work around this issue if you do not want to upgrade:
  1. Log in to all vRealize Automation appliances as root user.
  2. Stop the services on each appliance using the command:

    vcac-vami service-manage stop vco-server vcac-server horizon-workspace

  3. Create a backup of current config file using the command:

    cp /usr/local/horizon/conf/runtime-config.properties /usr/local/horizon/conf/runtime-config.properties.bak

  4. Restore the original config file to the last saved configuration using this command:

    cp /usr/local/horizon/conf/runtime-config.properties.orig /usr/local/horizon/conf/runtime-config.properties

  5. Start the services on all vRealize Automation appliances using the command:

    vcac-vami service-manage start horizon-workspace hzn-dots vcac-server vco-server

If the preceding steps do not resolve the issue, the runtime-config.properties you are replacing with may not be from prior to the database changes. Alternatively, perform these additional steps:

  1. Download the KB2144907_reconfigure-db-horizon.zip attached to this Knowledge Base article.
  2. Extract the files to the vRealize Automation virtual appliance(vRVA) using SCP client or WINSCP (For windows users).
  3. Log in to the vRVA as root user.
  4. Run the command:

    sh reconfigure-db-horizon.sh

    This reconfigures the vIDM database.
  5. Restart all services.

Additional Information


KB2144907_reconfigure-db-horizon.zip get_app