"Cannot download patch definitions" error while trying to download patch definitions using Update Manager 6.5.x fails
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"Cannot download patch definitions" error while trying to download patch definitions using Update Manager 6.5.x fails


Article ID: 345447


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server


  • Using Update Manager unable to download patch definitions and getting below error message in GUI in the recent task,
    Download patch definitions: "Cannot download patch definitions" or Check internet Connection
  • You will see similar log entries as mentioned below in vmware-vum-server-log4cpp.log located at /var/log/vmware/vmware-updatemgr/vum-server or C:\ProgramData\VMware\vCenterServer\logs\VMware Update Manager\
[2020-01-23 19:29:06:335 'httpDownload' 140322746914560 ERROR] [httpDownloadPosix, 654] curl_easy_perform() failed: cURL Error: Couldn't connect to server,Unsupported proxy scheme for '[http://abc.local]:8080'
[2020-01-23 19:29:06:335 'DownloadMgr' 140322746914560 ERROR] [downloadMgr, 629] Executing download job {140322570029680} throws error: curl_easy_perform()failed: cURL Error: Couldn't connect to server, Unsupported proxy scheme for '[http://abc.local]:8080'
[2020-01-23 19:29:06:335 'DownloadMgr' 140322746914560 INFO] [downloadMgr, 715] Download failed but destination file /tmp/vci2Smh9R exists and is valid. Ignoring error
[2020-01-23 19:29:06:335 'DownloadMgr' 140322746914560 INFO] [downloadMgr, 577] Download job {140322570029680} finished, bytes downloaded = 0tel
[2020-01-23 19:29:06:335 'DownloadMgr' 140323024566016 DEBUG] [downloadMgr, 468] Download job {140322570029680} finished
[2020-01-23 19:29:06:335 'DownloadMgr' 140323024566016 DEBUG] [downloadMgr, 481] Removing download job {140322570029680} in queue
[2020-01-23 19:29:06:335 'DownloadMgr' 140323024566016 DEBUG] [downloadMgr, 500] Current download count: 0
[2020-01-23 19:29:06:335 'miscUtil' 140323024566016 INFO] [miscUtilPosix, 118] Value for registry.proxy.UseProxy is: 1
[2020-01-23 19:29:06:335 'miscUtil' 140323024566016 INFO] [miscUtilPosix, 118] Value for registry.proxy.ProxyServer is: http://abc.local
[2020-01-23 19:29:06:335 'miscUtil' 140323024566016 INFO] [miscUtilPosix, 118] Value for registry.proxy.ProxyPort is: 8080
[2020-01-23 19:29:06:335 'miscUtil' 140323024566016 INFO] [miscUtilPosix, 118] Value for registry.proxy.ProxyUserName is:
[2020-01-23 19:29:06:335 'miscUtil' 140323024566016 INFO] [miscUtilPosix, 116] Value for registry.proxy.ProxyPassword is: ********
[2020-01-23 19:29:06:335 'DownloadMgr' 140323024566016 DEBUG] [downloadMgr, 549] Url: https://hostupdate.vmware.com/software/VUM/PRODUCTION/main/vmw-depot-index.xml, Download destination: /tmp/vci2Smh9R

2019-08-30T15:36:16.387-04:00 error vmware-vum-server[7F54A98A8700] [Originator@6876 sub=Default] Failed to download file: https://hostupdate.vmware.com/software/VUM/PRODUCTION/main/vmw-depot-index.xml
2019-08-30T15:36:16.388-04:00 warning vmware-vum-server[7F54A98A8700] [Originator@6876 sub=Default] File download error: downloading file:https://hostupdate.vmware.com/software/VUM/PRODUCTION/csco-main/csco-depot-index.xml failed, 0 bytes downloaded.. Retrying
2019-08-30T15:36:16.389-04:00 error vmware-vum-server[7F54A98A8700] [Originator@6876 sub=Default] Failed to download file: https://hostupdate.vmware.com/software/VUM/PRODUCTION/csco-main/csco-depot-index.xml
2019-08-30T15:36:16.404-04:00 warning vmware-vum-server[7F54A98A8700] [Originator@6876 sub=Default] File download error: downloading file:http://vapp-updates.vmware.com/vai-catalog/index.xml failed, 0 bytes downloaded.. Retrying
2019-08-30T15:36:16.404-04:00 error vmware-vum-server[7F54A98A8700] [Originator@6876 sub=Default] Waiting for 16 seconds to retry.
2019-08-30T15:36:48.405-04:00 warning vmware-vum-server[7F54A98A8700] [Originator@6876 sub=Default] File download error: downloading file: http://vapp-updates.vmware.com/vai-catalog/index.xml failed, 0 bytes downloaded.. Retrying
2019-08-30T15:36:48.405-04:00 error vmware-vum-server[7F54A98A8700] [Originator@6876 sub=Default] Failed to download file: http://vapp-updates.vmware.com/vai-catalog/index.xml
2019-08-30T15:36:48.405-04:00 error vmware-vum-server[7F54A98A8700] [Originator@6876 sub=Default] failed to download vendor index file: http://vapp-updates.vmware.com/vai-catalog/index.xml

[2019-08-30 15:38:36:432 'DownloadMgr' 140001604171520 ERROR]  [downloadMgr, 627] Executing download job {140000767284384} throws error: curl_easy_perform() failed: cURL Error: Couldn't connect to server, Unsupported proxy scheme for '[https://abc.proxy.com]:8080'



VMware vCenter Update Manager 6.5.x


This issue occurs due to incorrect proxy settings or vCenter might have connectivity issues with the Proxy Server.


  • Check the connectivity between vCenter Server and Proxy Server using the below commands,
    • wget --no-check-certificate --connect-timeout 10 -P /tmp/ http://vapp-updates.vmware.com/vai-catalog/index.xml -e use_proxy=yes -e HTTPS_PROXY=http://proxyserver_FQDN:8080
    • wget --no-check-certificate --connect-timeout 10 -P /tmp/ https://hostupdate.vmware.com/software/VUM/PRODUCTION/csco-main/csco-depot-index.xml -e use_proxy=yes -e HTTPS_PROXY=https://proxyserver_FQDN:8080
  • Check if the proxy settings are updated with correct details give only <FQDN_OF_PROXY_SERVER or IP_OF_PROXY_SERVER> instead of http://<FQDN_OF_PROXY_SERVER or http://IP_OF_PROXY_SERVER>
  1. Go to VAMI admin page https://VCSA_FQDN:5480 
  2. Login with root credentials and navigate to Networking > Manage > Proxy Settings
  3. Click on edit Proxy Port> Check Test Connectivity 
  4. Make sure the correct details are updated
    • <FQDN of Proxy Server> instead of https or http://FQDN_Proxy Server
  5. Save the settings and Retry the download patches again.