Starting with vSphere 6.5, some vCenter Server processes use separate local users that are automatically created and added to the local security policy Log on as a batch job. Such new local users are cm, content-library, eam, imagebuilder, mbcs, netdumper, perfcharts, rbd, vapiEndpoint, vmware-vpostgres, vsan-health, vsm, vsphere-client, and vsphere-ui.
2020-02-27T02:40:25.510-06:00| vthread-5| I125: Constructed command : "D:\Program Files\VMware\vCenter Server\visl-integration\usr\sbin\cloudvm-ram-size.bat"
-J vmware-vapi-endpoint -O D:\ProgramData\VMware\vCenterServer\data/vmware-vmon/vapi-endpoint.start.cmd
2020-02-27T02:40:25.510-06:00| vthread-5| I125: Setting working dir of process to D:\Program Files\VMware\vCenter Server\vapi/wrapper/bin.
2020-02-27T02:40:25.517-06:00| vthread-5| E110: Failed to Logon as vapiEndpoint user. Error: This user isn't allowed to sign in to this computer
2020-02-27T02:40:25.517-06:00| vthread-5| E110: Service vapi-endpoint pre-start command could not started.