vIDM 3.3.6 | Root partition fills up rapidly on one of the three nodes
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vIDM 3.3.6 | Root partition fills up rapidly on one of the three nodes


Article ID: 345391


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


Impacted Versions:

vIDM versions 3.3.6


Issue Description:
The root partition fills up rapidly on vIDM 3.3.6. The main reason behind this is:

  1. Enormous /var/log/messages files.
  2. Enormous /var/log/journal files.


  • Failures during the startup of services such as Horizon-Workspace, Elasticsearch, and RabbitMQ.
  • Empty config-state files on VIDM nodes.


VMware Identity Manager 3.3.x


This is a known issue in VIDM v3.3.6 


This issue has been fixed in VIDM 3.3.7 


Manual Remediation Steps:

To manually address this issue, follow these steps:

  1. SSH into the appliance as the root user.
  2. Remove all the journal logs (/var/log/journal/* except the symlink)
    a. remove the /var/log/messages
    b. run logrotate /etc/logrotate.conf 
    c. Modifiy the /etc/logrotate.conf from weekly rotation to daily rotation
    d. Add this to the /etc/cron.d/hzniptables file
    */1 * * * * cat /dev/null >/var/log/messages

    If such disk space is encountered again:

    a. logrotate /etc/logrotate.conf
    b. Add the above entry to the hzniptables
    c. modify the /etc/logrotate.conf entry of "weekly" to "daily"

Steps on how to clear issue related to syslog 
  1. First clear any pending open files running 
    lsof -n | grep delete
  2. Then restart rsyslog
    systemctl restart rsyslog





Additional Information


  • In a cluster setup, execute these steps on all nodes to ensure complete resolution.
  • We also might need to reboot the appliance once we have the workaround in place