Please follow the below steps before you Power Off or Reset the VM in order to remedy the VM state.
Note: You may prefer to suspend the affected VM and replace vmsn with vmss in the below steps. The tool can convert both (.vmsn) and (.vmss).
1. Select the Unresponsive VM and generate a snapshot through VM Actions > Snapshots > Take Snapshot (Include Memory).
2. Navigate to the VM Folder under WorkloadDatastore:
In this folder locate the snapshot file.
There will be a snapshot (.vmsn) and a memory (.vmem) file. e.g. ComputeVM-Snapshot3 with different suffixes (vmsn and vmem).
If there are different snapshots, e.g. ComputeVM-Snapshot1, 2, 3, etc then locate the correct files for your recent snapshot or suspension by examining time/date stamps.
3. Download the files that are present (.vmsn and .vmem) for the snapshot. Select the file and click Download from VM folder options on top and save them to a folder on your local machine.
4. Download VMware Workstation to leverage "vmss2core.exe" utility to convert the files into a VM Kernel Dump.
5. Open Command Prompt and change the directory to the location of VMware workstation, default location : C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation
Execute the following command:
vmss2core.exe -W8 "C:\temp\VM\Problem-VM-c97b1901.vmss" "C:\temp\VM\Problem-VM-Snapshot1.vmem"
Note: If the OS in VM is Microsoft Windows 8/8.1 or Windows Server 2012, run this command:
vmss2core -W8 virtualmachine-snapshot.vmsn virtual_machine_name.vmem
6. Once the Memory Dump (Memory.dmp) is created, Windbg tool could be used for analysing it.