VMware Smart Assurance SMARTS: When trying to manually failover ESM domain, the status gets stuck at ACTIVE_PENDING
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VMware Smart Assurance SMARTS: When trying to manually failover ESM domain, the status gets stuck at ACTIVE_PENDING


Article ID: 345351


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VMware Smart Assurance


Failover manager reports status of one of the ESM domain pairs as ACTIVE-PENDING, and the other in STANDBY Status.

The failover actions log file has below message:

suspend_actions: 14-Nov-2019 11:54:55 EST; WARNING: setProperty: [15] MR-E-PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND-Specified property 'IsProsphere' not found in class; in file "/work/redcurrent/DMT-" at line 2526, stopped at /app-data/SAM/smarts/actions/suspend_actions.pl line 753 at /app-data/SAM/smarts/perl/5.26.1/InCharge/remote.pm line 300


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


The property "IsProsphere" was deprecated in Smarts version 9.6 and newer and is not present in the ESM domain topology/repository.


This issue has been fixed in Smarts version 10.1.0 Patch 7 and later. Upgrade to latest Smarts release/patch for the issue fix.

For details, refer https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-Smart-Assurance/10.1.0/smarts-, pg.14 with reference SMARTA-549.



Below workaround can be used in the meantime, if an upgrade is planned for a later time:

1) Open the file $BASEDIR/smarts/actions/suspend_actions.pl file using sm_edit utility.
$BASEDIR/smarts/bin#./sm_edit ../actions/suspend_actions.pl

Comment out the below lines in the suspend_actions.pl file.
Before Change:
Line 434   setProperty($active_session, "ESM_Manager::ESM-Manager::IsProsphere", false);
Line 466   applyParam("ESM-Mgr-IsProsphere", "ESM_Manager::ESM-Manager::IsProsphere");

After change:
Line 434   #setProperty($active_session, "ESM_Manager::ESM-Manager::IsProsphere", false);
Line 466   #applyParam("ESM-Mgr-IsProsphere", "ESM_Manager::ESM-Manager::IsProsphere");

Save & close the file.

2) Make sure that all services that are listed in the failover.conf file are running.
3) Restart the Failover manager.  
4) Now perform the manual failover of Primary ESM server from Active to Standby, the suspend _actions.pl should continue without any issues after the change.