VMware Smart Assurance Smarts: How do I add a device that supports SNMPv3 using Smarts IP dmctl command?; How do I use the dmctl command addPending() call for SNMPv3 devices?
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VMware Smart Assurance Smarts: How do I add a device that supports SNMPv3 using Smarts IP dmctl command?; How do I use the dmctl command addPending() call for SNMPv3 devices?


Article ID: 345350


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How to use dmctl command for SNMPv3 device discovery in Smarts IP?
How do I add a device that supports SNMPv3 using Command line?

What is the Smarts IP dmctl command to add, delete and view a device on the pending list?

What is the Smarts IP dmctl addPending() call and how is it used?

Which parameters should I use for the dmctl addPending call?  


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


The following section explains how to use dmctl to add, delete, and view a device that is accessible only through SNNPv3.

Adding a SNMPv3 device to the Pending list:
1. With EngineID, auth protocol, priv protocol, auth pass and priv pass

dmctl -s <IP Domain name> invoke ICF_TopologyManager::ICF-TopologyManager addPending "<DeviceIP>" " " "Add" "TM_USERADDED" "TM_SNMP" 161 "ICMPSNMP" "UNKNOWNADDRESSFORMAT" "SEED" "TM_USESEEDNAME" "V3" "<Username>" "<EngineID>" "<AuthProtocol>" "<PrivProtocol>" "<AuthPass>" "<PrivPass>" " " FALSE " " " " " " "" "REFRESH_UNKNOWN"

dmctl -s AM-PM invoke ICF_TopologyManager::ICF-TopologyManager addPending "10.x.x.x" " " "Add" "TM_USERADDED" "TM_SNMP" 161 "ICMPSNMP" "UNKNOWNADDRESSFORMAT" "SEED" "TM_USESEEDNAME" "V3" "User1" "800000090300001DA189C3C0" "MD5" "DES" "changeme" "changeme" " " FALSE " " " " " " "" "REFRESH_UNKNOWN"

2. Without EngineID & with auth protocol, priv protocol, auth pass, priv pass

dmctl -s <IP Domain name> invoke ICF_TopologyManager::ICF-TopologyManager addPending "<DeviceIP>" " " "Add" "TM_USERADDED" "TM_SNMP" 161 "ICMPSNMP" "UNKNOWNADDRESSFORMAT" "SEED" "TM_USESEEDNAME" "V3" "<Username>" " " "<AuthProtocol>" "<PrivProtocol>" "<AuthPass>" "<PrivPass>" " " FALSE " " " " " " "" "REFRESH_UNKNOWN"

dmctl -s AM-PM invoke ICF_TopologyManager::ICF-TopologyManager addPending "10.x.x.x" " " "Add" "TM_USERADDED" "TM_SNMP" 161 "ICMPSNMP" "UNKNOWNADDRESSFORMAT" "SEED" "TM_USESEEDNAME" "V3" "User1" " " "MD5" "DES" "changeme" "changeme" " " FALSE " " " " " " "" "REFRESH_UNKNOWN"

Note: The blank values (" ") given in above example must be entered as it is, as the addPending() is a function call in the dmctl and the blank values are part of the required syntax. 

Deleting a SNMPv3 device from Pending list:
dmctl -s <IP Domain name> invoke AD_Pending::AD-Pending removePending <name or IP Address of the device>

Example: dmctl -s AM-PM invoke AD_Pending::AD-Pending removePending 10.x.x.x

Viewing a SNMPv3 device in Pending list:
dmctl -s <IP Domain name> invoke AD_Pending::AD-Pending getPendingUndiscovered

Once device is added to the pending list, to initiate Pending discovery operation via Command Line, execute below command:
sm_tpmgr -s <IP domain name> --discover-pending

Additional Information

Detailed information of the addPending() function parameters as follows:

AD_TopologyManager::addPending(const mr_string_t & nameOrAddr,
                               const mr_string_t & community,
                               const mr_string_t & description,
                               tm_source_e snmpSource,
                               tm_snmp_e snmpState,
                               mr_unsignedshort_t snmpPort,
                               tm_access_mode_e accessMode,
                               access_addr_format_e accessAddressFormat,
                               const mr_string_t & seedName,
                               const mr_string_t & nameFormat,
                               const mr_string_t & snmpVersionStr,
                               const mr_string_t & user,
                               const mr_string_t & engineID,
                               const mr_string_t & authProtocol,
                               const mr_string_t & privProtocol,
                               const mr_string_t & authPass,
                               const mr_string_t & privPass,
                               const mr_string_t & context,
                               sm_bool_t encryptedPassword,
                               const mr_string_t & displayName,
                               const mr_string_t & systemType,
                               const mr_string_t & domainName,
                               const mr_string_t & sourceAddress,
                               refresh_type_e refreshType)

Following are the accepted values for certain fields

tm_source_e snmpSource
    /// The source of hostname or IP address
    enum tm_source_e {
       /// User added through import from file or add agent dialog.
       /// IP addresses that are auto-discovered from ARP cache, CDP, etc.
       /// IP addresses derived from IP address and netmask.
       /// Hostname or IP address obtained from external sources, such HPOV.
       /// Hostname or IP address obtained from external sources, such as KAFKA.

tm_snmp_e snmpState
    enum tm_snmp_e {
       /// The device is supposed to support SNMP.
       /// The device is not supposed to support SNMP.

tm_access_mode_e accessMode
    enum tm_access_mode_e {

ICMPONLY - If the device has to be discovered only through ICMP only.
SNMPONLY - If the device has to be discovered only through SNMP only.
ICMPSNMP - If the device has to be discovered by means of ICMP as well as SNMP.

access_addr_format_e accessAddressFormat
    /// System access address format
    enum access_addr_format_e {

UNKNOWNADDRESSFORMAT  - Specified if the user is not sure about the accessAddressFormat. Smarts will take the default values appropriately.
AUTOADDRESS - AUTOADDRESS means that all the IP addresses of a device are polled using ICMP.
LOOPBACKADDRESS - LOOPBACKADDRESS means that the discovery process uses the loopback address for both ICMP and SNMP for monitoring and discovery.

const mr_string_t & nameFormat

To know more about the usage of the nameFormat parameters, refer the Smarts IP Concepts Guide.

The following set of parameters are specific for the SNMP v3:
const mr_string_t & user,
const mr_string_t & engineID,
const mr_string_t & authProtocol,
const mr_string_t & privProtocol,
const mr_string_t & authPass,
const mr_string_t & privPass

refresh_type_e refreshType
    /// The enum for reprobe.
    enum refresh_type_e {