VMware Smart Assurance NCM: How to export the Jobs & Tasks details for NCM Jobs from Report Advisor (RA)?
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VMware Smart Assurance NCM: How to export the Jobs & Tasks details for NCM Jobs from Report Advisor (RA)?


Article ID: 345327


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance


Is it possible to export Job & Task details/results report from NCM?


VMware Smart Assurance - NCM


When Job results are exported from NCM Schedule Manager it gives the summary of the jobs and for detailed Job & Task results, report named "Job Task Report" from RA can be used.

Below are the steps to export the "Job Task Report" from RA:
Login to the Report Advisor.
On the default web page, on the upper left hand side, there is "Reports" Section.
Under which expand "Reporting" -> Preset Reports -> Core, click on "Job Task Report"

Select the Network and other appropriate options:

Select "Show Tasks" to Yes:

Run the job or schedule it for a particular time as desired:

Below is the sample output of report:

This report can be exported from upper right hand side options of the web page:

Chose the required format of the output file.
Note: csv format gives the task results in separate cells.

The report would be available for download in left hand side "Downloads" section of the web page.