VMware Smart Assurance NCM : Is copy of Policy in Automation Library possible?
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VMware Smart Assurance NCM : Is copy of Policy in Automation Library possible?


Article ID: 345318


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Copy of policy from one network to other network is not possible as it maps to a network in area tab.
When tried to copy below error will be observed which is default behavior of NCM.

However copy of Policy is possible if area tab is empty (Refer Screenshot) but when copied it copies all associated Standard and Test along with Policy to new network however associated Standard and Test will not be visible in newly copied network.

Example: POLICY, STANDARD and TEST are created under "System" of Automation Library (Screenshot for reference)

Now when policy (POLICY) is copied to network (here it is EMEA_Lab), it copies its standard and test however both will not be visible in copied network. See screenshot below:

Double click of Policy in copied network will list Standard and test.

Hence any changes made to copied Standard and Test in EMEA_Lab will cascade till parent (i.e System) from where policy is copied irrespective of network copied. This is default behavior of NCM. 

To avoid cascade of changes, Standard and Test can be copied individually to any network but not Policy.


VMware Smart Assurance - NCM
