VMware Smart Assurance NCM: Why does Interface Description appears the same as Interface Name with pull Interfaces via SNMP?
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VMware Smart Assurance NCM: Why does Interface Description appears the same as Interface Name with pull Interfaces via SNMP?


Article ID: 345316


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VMware Smart Assurance


Interface information pulled via CLI (Telnet or SSH) populates Interface Name, Interface Description by command line output. If SNMP credentials are present on device in NCM (given by user), code will give priority to SNMP mechanism for pull Interfaces.


VMware Smart Assurance - NCM


NCM uses ifTable of MIB2 for pull Interface via SNMP. As per the current implementation OID . is used for populating Interface Name as well as Interface Description. Refer $VOYENCE_HOME/package/stdmib.inc for the OIDs used by NCM.


This functionality is working as designed.


To have NCM use OID . and OID . for Interface description and Interface Name via SNMP, below workaround can be implemented on Device Server/Combination Server:

1) Create directory structure $VOYENCE_HOME/custompackage/stdlib, if doesn't exist already
2) Copy the attached files stdmib.inc and stdcmdfuncs.inc to $VOYENCE_HOME/custompackage/stdlib
3) Restart voyence service
4) Execute Pull Interfaces.

Note: As Pull Interface via SNMP is common code for all Device classes, above implementation will effect all Device classes.

If after implementation of above workaround, results are not desirable, remove the files stdmib.inc and stdcmdfuncs.inc at $VOYENCE_HOME/custompackage/stdlib & execute step 3, 4 above.


stdmib get_app
stdcmdfuncs get_app