There are two ways to make this setting change:
Option 1:
1) On Application Server, take a backup of file $VOYENCE_HOME/ncmcore/webapps/ncm-webapp/WEB-INF/classes/system-config.xml
2) Open $VOYENCE_HOME/ncmcore/webapps/ncm-webapp/WEB-INF/classes/system-config.xml, search for "pullafterdevservernotif".
In the config Item, edit the highlighted field PULL_CONFIGS to PULL_ALL. Save and close the file.
3) Restart vcmaster service with command: service vcmaster restart
Option 2:
1) Login to the Jminix Console.
In browser, navigate to the following address: https://<NCM_AS_IP>:8880/ncm-webapp
Type the username and password for the Jminix Console. The default username is jmx-user and the default password is sysadmin.
2) Go to servers > 0 > domains > com.powerup.configmgr.server.config.jmx > mbeans > name=VoyenceControlConfig,type=JMXSystemConfig > operations.
3) Locate the setConfigItem() operation and provide the following values for the parameters:
For parameter 1: config.server
For parameter 2:
For parameter 3: PULL_ALL
Click Execute.
4) To make the new value permanent:
Locate the saveAll() operation. Click Execute.
5) To verify your setting:
Locate the listAll() operation. Click Execute.