VMware Smart Assurance NCM: How to take backup from Windows and restore in Linux?
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VMware Smart Assurance NCM: How to take backup from Windows and restore in Linux?


Article ID: 345304


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VMware Smart Assurance



From NCM version 10.1, only Linux installers are available, there is no Windows OS support.

If the requirement is to upgrade from NCM 9.6.x on Windows OS to NCM 10.1.x, then install NCM 9.6 on Linux OS server first, take the backup image of NCM 9.6 Windows server and restore it on NCM 9.6 Linux Server. After which upgrade NCM 9.6 Linux Server to NCM 10.1.x version.


VMware Smart Assurance - NCM


How to capture Backup on a Windows Server:

Backup needs to be collected with option --multiplatform or --MULTIPLATFORM so that it can be restored on any platform i.e., Linux or Windows.

Ex: C:\smarts-ncm\tools>perl backup.pl --multiplatform

Would you like to back up your current data? [y/n] y
Backing up database...

The syntax of the command is incorrect.

Building backup image file...

Multiplatform backup file created: C:/smarts-ncm\data-image\backup-image- 

To restore this data file, type:

restore.pl backup-image-


How to Restore backup image on a Linux Server:

Restore backup image in Linux Server normally:
Navigate to $VOYENCE_HOME/tools, execute: ./restore.pl <backup image path>
Example: ./restore.pl /opt/backup-image-

When multiplatform is used, NCM sometimes faces issue with retrieving lockbox passphrase. This can be solved by unlock of lockbox followed by executing service vcmaster restart after successful restore.

Refer https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-Smart-Assurance/9.6.0/EMC_Smarts_NCM_96_InstallGuide.pd, pg.261 on command to unlock lockbox.

If case of any issue, raise a SR with VMware Technical support team with restoration log available at $VOYENCE_HOME/tools for further troubleshooting.

Additional Information

Both Windows and Linux servers should be having same version of NCM for restoration to be successful. 
Refer page number 19 of https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-Smart-Assurance/9.6.0/EMC_Smarts_NCM_96_InstallGuide.pdf, Section "Upgrade and Migration"