NSX-T Upgrade in VCF environment fails with message "NSX-T manager has a common name that does not match its hostname."
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NSX-T Upgrade in VCF environment fails with message "NSX-T manager has a common name that does not match its hostname."


Article ID: 345277


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VMware Cloud Foundation


To correct the CN field with FQDN


  • NSX-T upgrade failing with following error

Message: “NSX-T FQDN”- NSX-T manager has a common name that does not match its hostname.

Remediation Message: NSX-T manager has a common name that does not match its hostname.Ensure that NSX-T manager has a valid certificate with its common name matching the host name.


  • lcm.log located at /var/log/vmware/vcf/lcm/ reports similar to below

2022-03-14T11:45:30.679-0700 DEBUG [vcf_lcm,1d6ad84d0b3b1280,dc9c,upgradeId=cd0d58cc-fef3-####-####-########9e6,resourceType=NSX_T_PARALLEL_CLUSTER,resourceId=ddltdatdc-m1-"NSX-T FQDN":_ParallelClusterUpgradeElement,bundleElementId=db55f971-1d7e-####-####-########3b8] [c.v.e.s.l.p.c.s.LcmSecurityService,Async-10] SSL validation failed for the host “NSX-T FQDN”

2022-03-14T11:45:30.680-0700 DEBUG [vcf_lcm,1d6ad84d0b3b1280,dc9c,upgradeId=cd0d58cc-fef3-####-####-########9e6,resourceType=NSX_T_PARALLEL_CLUSTER,resourceId=ddltdatdc-m1-"NSX-T FQDN":_ParallelClusterUpgradeElement,bundleElementId=db55f971-1d7e-####-####-########3b8] [c.v.e.s.l.p.c.s.LcmSecurityService,Async-10] Host SSL validation successful for host “NSX-T FQDN”


  • Running the command in NSX-T Manager node shows CN as shortname

root@nsxmanager:~# echo | openssl s_client -showcerts -connect localhost:443



VMware Cloud Foundation 4.3.x
VMware Cloud Foundation 4.0.x
VMware Cloud Foundation 4.4.x
VMware Cloud Foundation 4.2.x
VMware Cloud Foundation 4.1


This occurs due to mismatch in CN field which is not FQDN


To resolve this issue, follow below steps

1. Generate and install certificate for NSX-T manager nodes which contains FQDN in Common name (CN) field from SDDC manager –Refer to VCF 4.4 Administration guide

2. Now run the command in NSX-T manager node to check

root@ nsxmanager:~# echo | openssl s_client -showcerts -connect localhost:443

It should display CN=FQDN

3.   Retry the NSX-T upgrade.