Stale datastore entry for a virtual machine on the Summary tab
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Stale datastore entry for a virtual machine on the Summary tab


Article ID: 345262


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VMware vSphere ESXi


  • You see a stale datastore entry for a virtual machine on the Summary tab.
  • Virtual machine is using only one datastore, still the stale datastore is displayed.
  • There are no virtual machine files on the stale datastore.


VMware vSphere ESXi 6.7
VMware vSphere ESXi 7.0
VMware vSphere ESXi 8.0


This issue occurs when an ISO/DVD is inadvertently mounted or left behind from a vmotioned snapshot.


Verify that there are no files on this datastore that references this virtual machine:
  • Right-click the datastore, browse Datastore and check if there are any files for that virtual machine.
  • Right-click the VM, click Edit Settings, check if any hard disk is residing on that datastore.
After verifying:
  1. Right-click the VM, click Edit Settings > CD/DVD Drive. If the Datastore ISO is checked, verify if the path is on the stale entry datastore. If yes, then uncheck that option and click OK.
  2. Right-click VM, click Snapshot > Snapshot Manager. If there are any snapshots, consolidate (Delete all) those snapshots. When a VM with snapshots is storage vMotioned there are chances of the old datastore entry being left behind. Upon consolidation of these snapshots the stale entry is removed.

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