NSX-T Upgrade Pre-Check Fails on Edge Nodes Not Displayed in VCF Inventory UI
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NSX-T Upgrade Pre-Check Fails on Edge Nodes Not Displayed in VCF Inventory UI


Article ID: 345250


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VMware Cloud Foundation VMware NSX


During the NSX-T upgrade, the pre-check may fail on edge nodes that are not displayed in the VMware Cloud Foundation (VCF) inventory within the UI. The pre-check error may resemble the following:

Following Edge Nodes [edge1-node_UUID, edge2-node_UUID, edge3-node_UUID, edge4-node_UUID, edge5-node_UUID, edge6-node_UUID] are not part of any edge cluster.

Relevant log excerpts can be found at:

Example log output:

2021-06-17 18:49:55.528 INFO [,,,] 115036 --- [ool-2-thread-11] .v.m.a.AddSourceIdToEdgeClusterInventory : Post-validating source IDs for NSX-T edge cluster "name"
2021-06-17 18:49:55.531 ERROR [,,,] 115036 --- [ool-2-thread-11] c.v.e.s.o.model.error.ErrorFactory : [JILS9L] ADD_EDGE_NSXT_SOURCE_ID_POST_VALIDATE_FAILED Failed to post-validate adding NSX-T source IDs to VCF edge inventory for edge cluster "name"
Caused by: com.vmware.evo.sddc.orchestrator.exceptions.OrchTaskException: Failed to post-validate adding NSX-T source IDs to VCF edge inventory for edge cluster "name"


VMware NSX-T Data Center
VMware Cloud Foundation 4.x


This issue occurs when an edge node is listed in the VCF inventory, but the node does not exist in NSX.


To resolve this issue, please follow these steps within the NSX UI:

  1. Access Edge Clusters

    • Navigate to System > Fabric > Nodes > Edge Clusters.
    • Expand the relevant edge cluster (e.g., “name”). If the edge cluster shows zero member nodes, click on the hyperlinked digit in the Edge Transport Nodes row to confirm.
  2. Examine Edge Transport Nodes

    • Go to System > Fabric > Nodes > Edge Transport Nodes and review the Edge Cluster column. For nodes “edge1” and “edge2,” this column should be blank.
  3. Remove Non-Existent Edge Nodes

    • If both conditions above are met, you may proceed to delete the non-existent edge nodes (e.g., "edge1" and "edge2") directly through the NSX UI.
  4. Clean Up Edge Cluster Artifacts

    • Once the edge nodes have been removed, any residual elements associated with the edge cluster (e.g., "name") can be safely cleared using the edge cluster cleaner script, as detailed here: https://knowledge.broadcom.com/external/article/316110/vmware-cloud-foundation-nsxt-edge-clust.html.