VMware Update Manager cannot download NSX vibs
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VMware Update Manager cannot download NSX vibs


Article ID: 345219


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VMware NSX VMware vCenter Server


Host is mark in "Not Ready" state even though the Vibs are installed on the server .


  • VMware Update Manager cannot download NSX vibs
  • You see an error :

description = 'Could not upload the following VIBs in Integrity server

  • In the EAM you see this :"The software defined by an Agency cannot be staged in VMware Update Manager"
  • The VMware update Manager located at /var/log/vmware/vmware-updatemgr/vum-server/vmware-vum-server-log*cpp.log shows similar entries as below

[2021-09-25 07:32:15:202 'DownloadMgr' 140516485830400 INFO]  [downloadMgr, 603] Executing download job {140516364899824}, url=https://hostname:443/eam/vib?id=aeaf2a40-####-####-####-########f32
[2021-09-25 07:32:15:521 'httpDownload' 140516485830400 ERROR]  [httpDownloadPosix, 654] curl_easy_perform() failed: cURL Error: SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK, SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate in certificate chain
[2021-09-25 07:32:15:521 'DownloadMgr' 140516485830400 ERROR]  [downloadMgr, 629] Executing download job {140516364899824} throws error: curl_easy_perform() failed: cURL Error: SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK, SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate in certificate chain
[2021-09-25 07:32:15:521 'DownloadMgr' 140516485830400 ERROR]  [downloadMgr, 718] Download failed for url: https://hostname:443/eam/vib?id=aeaf2a40-####-####-####-########f32
[2021-09-25 07:32:15:521 'DownloadMgr' 140516485830400 INFO]  [downloadMgr, 577] Download job {140516364899824} finished, bytes downloaded = 0
[2021-09-25 07:32:15:521 'DownloadMgr' 140517103216384 DEBUG]  [downloadMgr, 468] Download job {140516364899824} finished
[2021-09-25 07:32:15:521 'DownloadMgr' 140517103216384 DEBUG]  [downloadMgr, 481] Removing download job {140516364899824} in queue
[2021-09-25 07:32:15:521 'DownloadMgr' 140517103216384 DEBUG]  [downloadMgr, 500] Current download count: 0
[2021-09-25 07:32:15:521 'FileUploadManagerImpl' 140517103216384 ERROR]  [fileUploadManagerImpl, 143] ImportFile: can not download file from https://hostname:443/eam/vib?id=aeaf2a40-####-####-####-########f32

NOTE:The preceding log excerpts are only examples.Date,time and environmental variables may vary depending on your environment


VMware vCenter Server 6.7.x


EAM (ESX Agent Manager) is unable to push the NSX VIBs into Update Manager.



This issue is resolved in NSX-V version 6.4.7 and VMware vCenter Server 6.7U3g.


To workaround this issue:
0.1 Navigate to EAM MOB: vc_ip/eam/mob/
0.2 Authenticate as full Administrator or NSX user.
0.3 Match the agency and click on it (matching can be done by checking the issue in EAM mob. )
   -> Agency has runtime field which has issue field. If the issue is present.
0.4 Click on Agency config
0.5 Click on AgentConfig (array of configs)
0.6 Get all vibUrl field for all of the agent configs for the agency. 

Step#1: Upload those bundles into VUM as per guide

Step#3: Resolve EAM issue


If the issue is not able to be resolved from NSX UI , it can be resolved by EAM UI or EAM MOB.


EAM UI: Home -> Administration -> vCenter Server Extensions -> vSphere ESX Agent Manager -> Configure tab (former: Manage) -> ResolveAll




2.1 Navigate to EAM MOB: vc_ip/eam/mob/

2.2 Authenticate as full Administrator or NSX user.

2.3 Match the agency and click on it

2.4 Click on ResolveAll in the method section.

2.5 in the opened pop-up window click InvokeMethod.


Step#3: Verify if EAM turns to green

This can be done from NSX UI, EAM UI or EAM MOB.



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