This issue only impacts vRA 8.2 P1 customers who migrate to vIDM 3.3.3 and use IWA with embedded Linux connector.
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This issue only impacts vRA 8.2 P1 customers who migrate to vIDM 3.3.3 and use IWA with embedded Linux connector.


Article ID: 345124


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


To provide recommendations to vRA 8.2 P1 customers regarding vIDM updates.

When installing vIDM 3.3.3, at Directory Sync and Authentication, a customer will be unable to select a Linux connector and will see a warning: Selected connector must be a Windows connector.


vIDM 3.3.3 does not support IWA with an embedded Linux connector; it will be supported again in vIDM 3.3.4.


All customers using LDAP or using IWA with external Windows connector can use vIDM 3.3.3 and update to vIDM 3.3.4 as soon as it is available.

vRA 8.2 P1 customers using IWA with embedded Linux connector are recommended to wait until vIDM 3.3.4 is available to update. If a customer has already upgraded to vIDM 3.3.3, this KB will be updated when the vIDM 3.3.4 release is available with manual steps required for customers who want to use the embedded Linux connector.

Additional Information

vRA 8.2 P1 will work with either vIDM 3.3.2 or vIDM 3.3.3. Customers use vIDM with either IWA or LDAP and either embedded Linux connector or external Windows connector.

If vRA 8.2 P1 customers who use IWA with embedded Linux connector upgrade to vIDM 3.3.3, they have to move to IWA with external Windows connector. With vIDM 3.3.4, customers will again be able to use IWA with embedded Linux connector, but auto-migration from external Windows connector to embedded Linux connector is not supported. Manual work will be required to add the embedded Linux connector and perform role-mapping.