Cold migrations using vMotion fail with the error "Cannot connect to host"
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Cold migrations using vMotion fail with the error "Cannot connect to host"


Article ID: 344918


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server



  • Migrating or importing a powered-off VM into a new vCenter fails at 39%.
  • Migrating a powered-off VM between two hosts within the same vCenter fails.
  • Messages in /var/run/log/hostd.log of the source ESXi host indicate that the NFC connection to the destination host failed:
2022-06-16T18:57:54.902Z info hostd[2104144] [Originator@6876 sub=Vimsvc.TaskManager opID=l38fyg4u-75219-auto-1m1g-h5:70016369-4e-02-gusu4 user=vpxuser:DOMAIN\user] Task Created : haTask--nfc.NfcManager.copy-1768912663

2022-06-16T18:59:09.967Z info hostd[2103333] [Originator@6876 sub=Libs opID=l38fyg4u-75219-auto-1m1g-h5:70016369-4e-02-gusu43 user=vpxuser:DOMAIN\user] Cnx_Connect: Error message: Failed to connect to server 10.10.10.xx:902
2022-06-16T18:59:09.967Z warning hostd[2103333] [Originator@6876 sub=Libs opID=l38fyg4u-75219-auto-1m1g-h5:70016369-4e-02-gusu43 user=vpxuser:DOMAIN\user] [NFC ERROR]NfcNewAuthdConnectionEx: Failed to connect: Failed to connect to server 10.10.10.xx:902
2022-06-16T18:59:09.967Z warning hostd[2103333] [Originator@6876 sub=Libs opID=l38fyg4u-75219-auto-1m1g-h5:70016369-4e-02-gusu43 user=vpxuser:DOMAIN\user] [NFC ERROR]NfcNewAuthdConnectionEx: Failed to connect to peer. Error: Failed to connect to server 10.10.10.xx:902
2022-06-16T18:59:09.967Z warning hostd[2103333] [Originator@6876 sub=Libs opID=l38fyg4u-75219-auto-1m1g-h5:70016369-4e-02-gusu43 user=vpxuser:DOMAIN\user] [NFC ERROR]NfcEstablishAuthCnxToServer: Failed to create new AuthD connection: Failed to connect to server 10.10.10.xx:902
2022-06-16T18:59:09.967Z warning hostd[2103333] [Originator@6876 sub=Libs opID=l38fyg4u-75219-auto-1m1g-h5:70016369-4e-02-gusu43 user=vpxuser:DOMAIN\user] [NFC ERROR]Nfc_BindAndEstablishAuthdCnx3: Failed to create a connection with server 10.10.10.xx: Failed to connect to server 10.10.10.xx:902
2022-06-16T18:59:09.967Z error hostd[2103333] [Originator@6876 sub=NfcManager opID=l38fyg4u-75219-auto-1m1g-h5:70016369-4e-02-gusu43 user=vpxuser:DOMAIN\user] Unable to connect to NFC server: Failed to connect to server 10.10.10.xx:902


VMware vCenter Server 7.0.x
VMware vCenter Server 6.7.x
VMware vCenter Server 6.5.x


This failure occurs when port TCP 902 is blocked between the source host and the destination host.

Note that cold migrations are considered provisioning traffic and by default go over the management interface. However, if a dedicated provisioning vmkernel interface is configured, it will use this instead.


Check for any  firewall rules between the ESXi hosts blocking TCP port 902 and make sure they aren't blocking 902.
Refer this document to validate the port connectivity between hosts and vCenter server: