Errors observed when downloading certain upgrade / install bundles for VCF, Incorrect descriptions shown for certain upgrade / install bundles of VCF
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Errors observed when downloading certain upgrade / install bundles for VCF, Incorrect descriptions shown for certain upgrade / install bundles of VCF


Article ID: 344781


Updated On:


VMware Cloud Foundation


  • This is a KB to let customers know how to resolve the mentioned issues

Affected bundles:
- Upgrade:
Product Bundle ID Bundle Name 
SDDC Manager3f44edc1-6862-4d85-b646-a6bc24698c32bundle-47006
NSX-T Manager104298b4-bee8-4eae-9791-fc8ff5516f31bundle-46466

- Install:
ProductBundle IDBundle Name
NSX-T Managerf14e528f-df76-447d-a235-93b069291f5cbundle-46467
  • Following error is observed when downloading affected bundles via depot from SDDC Manager UI:         Capture2.PNG
LcmException: bundle checksum does NOT match the manifest value
  • Incorrect description shown for SDDC Manager bundle:
This VMware Cloud Foundation upgrade bundle to contains features, critical bugs and security fixes. For more information, see
This bundle is used for upgrading to and for VMware Cloud Foundation Transformation 3.x to 4.x. If you are performing a Transformation 3.x to 4.x, ignore the 4.2.x - > 4.3.x text displayed below. The Transformation will proceed as expected.
  • Incorrect description shown for NSX-T Manager upgrade bundle:
This VMware Software Upgrade contains NSX-T 3.1.3 update. For more information, see
  • Incorrect description shown for NSX-T Manager install bundle:
This VMware Software Upgrade contains NSX-T 3.1.3 install. For more information, see
  • Incorrect description shown for vCenter upgrade bundle:
This VMware Software Upgrade contains VMware vCenter Server 7.0 Update Xx. For more information, see
  • Incorrect description shown for vCenter install bundle:
This VMware Software Upgrade contains VMware vCenter Server 7.0 Update Xx install bundle. For more information, see
  • Incorrect description shown for ESXi upgrade bundle:
This VMware Software Upgrade contains VMware ESXi 7.0 Update Xx. This patch contains critical security fixes. For more information, see


VMware Cloud Foundation 4.3


  • Incorrect description for release notes in bundle metadata
  • Checksum of downloaded bundles does not match with metadata published on August 24th 2021


  • Note: If Bundles were downloaded prior to August 25th 2021, the affected bundles can still be used to perform upgrades even though the bundle descriptions are incorrect. Please do not perform any clean up mentioned below if you have already completed upgrades using the affected bundles mentioned above
Prerequisites :
  • Take a Snapshot of SDDC Manager Virtual Machine from vCenter 
  • Make sure there are no running / failed workflows, in progress upgrades or bundle downloads on SDDC Manager
    • Check Tasks panel in SDDC Manager UI
Online Deployments:- 

Cleanup affected bundles using below steps:
  • Login to SDDC Manager via SSH and su to root 
  • cd /opt/vmware/vcf/lcm/lcm-app/bin
  • Run the bundle cleanup script 
python /opt/vmware/vcf/lcm/lcm-app/bin/ 3f44edc1-6862-4d85-b646-a6bc24698c32
python /opt/vmware/vcf/lcm/lcm-app/bin/ 104298b4-bee8-4eae-9791-fc8ff5516f31
python /opt/vmware/vcf/lcm/lcm-app/bin/ f14e528f-df76-447d-a235-93b069291f5c
python /opt/vmware/vcf/lcm/lcm-app/bin/ 8d83266a-3b96-467c-8071-74617e10da05
python /opt/vmware/vcf/lcm/lcm-app/bin/ 3f560300-18e9-4d9b-bcf5-0b4688c7612b
python /opt/vmware/vcf/lcm/lcm-app/bin/ 1625a9f9-a96b-4dda-98c6-58938fb29667
  • Wait for LCM service to restart and verify that service is up by running the following command 
systemctl status lcm 
  • After LCM service is up wait for about 15 mins for new bundle metadata to sync from depot
  • The affected bundles will show up as available for download in SDDC Manager UI under "Bundle Management" tab.
  • Proceed to download new bundles
  • Please refer documentation for sequence to be followed to perform upgrades to
Offline deployments:
  • The affected bundles can be downloaded again using bundle transfer utility to fix the incorrect links in bundle descriptions
  • Options to be used for running bundle transfer utility:
lcm-bundle-transfer-util --download -du "<depot_user>" -b <bundle_name>
  • Substitute <bundle_name> with name of bundle from affected bundles table
Example: lcm-bundle-transfer-util --download -du "<depot_user>" -b bundle-47006
  • Repeat above command to download all affected bundles
  • If bundles are already uploaded to SDDC Manager, please cleanup affected bundles using cleanup steps from previous section
  • LCM manifest should also be downloaded again and uploaded to SDDC Manager if done before.
  • Please refer for procedure to download / upload bundles and LCM manifest .