After running diskpart.exe to extend the disk size in Windows, the partition size does not get updated
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After running diskpart.exe to extend the disk size in Windows, the partition size does not get updated


Article ID: 344743


Updated On:


VMware vSphere ESXi


After extending a Windows partition using the Microsoft Diskpart command-line utility or Disk Managements (diskmgmt.msc), you experience these symptoms:

  • The Windows server guest operating system (Guest OS) shows an incorrect disk size in Disk Management or on My Computer after you expand the disk.
  • The vSphere Client and vSphere Web Client display the correct, increased disk size.
  • Within the Windows guest operating system, you see:
    • Disk Managements (diskmgmt.msc) displays the correct, increased disk size.
    • Share and Storage Management (storagemgmt.msc) does not show increased size of the disk.
    • The partition size does not get updated.
    • The old partition size is retained.
Note: For more information on extending Windows partitions, see


This issue occurs because the NTFS driver exhausts its resources when it tries to extend the volume.


Use the extend command within the Microsoft Diskpart command-line utility.
For more information, see

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