IP Customization fails during a failover or test failover of a recovery plan in vCenter Site Recovery Manager
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IP Customization fails during a failover or test failover of a recovery plan in vCenter Site Recovery Manager


Article ID: 344699


Updated On:


VMware Live Recovery



During a failover or test failover of a recovery plan in vCenter Site Recovery Manager (SRM), you experience these symptoms:
  • IP Customization fails for some or all virtual machines.
  • In the History tab under Recovery Plans, you see the error:

    Error - Cannot complete customization, possibly due to a scripting runtime error or invalid script parameters (Error code: -1). IP settings may have been partially applied.
  • In the vmware-dr.log log file on the SRM server, you see entries similar to:

    [00632 error 'Recovery' ctxID=27dcf3a7] [recovery-plan-3198.ipCust-protected-vm-3133-IPCustomization] Guest command on VM: [vim.VirtualMachine:vm-232] failed with exit code: 1
    [02956 trivia 'Recovery' ctxID=27dcf3a7]<msg>Cannot complete customization, possibly due to a scripting runtime error or invalid script parameters (Error code: 1). IP settings may have been partially applied.</msg>

  • The virtual machine is powered off and the network interface is set to disconnected.
  • The recovery plan or test recovery plan completes with errors.
Note: This issue occurs with both Windows and Linux virtual machines. This issue can also show as a vix error codes = (1, 0) on Linux virtual machines.


VMware Site Recovery Manager 8.x
VMware Live Site Recovery 9.x



This issue occurs in Windows virtual machines if the default system variable for the %TEMP% or temporary folder within the guest operating system on the SRM server is changed from the default value and the new folder does not exist.

Note: The default folder specified in %TEMP% in Microsoft Windows is C:\windows\temp.

When you change the default value of %TEMP%, the guest operating system does not check if the folder exists. For example, if you change the default value of %TEMP% from C:\windows\temp to C:\temp, you do not see an error if C:\temp does not exist.

During Windows guest customization, SRM needs to write to the folder specified in %TEMP%. If this folder does not exist, guest customization fails.


This issue occurs in Linux virtual machines when the /tmp directory is mounted with the noexec option for security reasons.

During Linux guest customization, SRM needs to execute a file stored in /tmp. If this file cannot be executed, guest customization fails.

Note: Antivirus blocking access to temp folders will cause the issue



To resolve the issue in a Windows virtual machine:

Ensure that the new directory for %TEMP% exists and can be written to.

Note: The %TEMP% variable is case sensitive. If it is set to C:\Windows\TEMP, but the real path is C:\Windows\Temp, guest customization will fail.


To resolve the issue in a Linux virtual machine:

Allow files in the /tmp directory to be executed by removing the noexec option. This option can be removed by editing the /etc/fstab (as root) using 'vi' editor.

To work around this issue without changing the security options on the /tmp directory:
  • In the Linux virtual machine, open the VMware Tools initialization script using a text editor. The initialization script may be found in different locations depending on how VMware Tools was installed and configured on your system.​
  • For systems using upstart (see 2015685 ), the initialization script will be one of the following:​
* /etc/init/vmware-tools.conf. The command overview is in init(8) and the syntax is described in init(5).
* /etc/init/vmware-tools, which calls /etc/vmware-tools/services.sh​
  • For systems that do not use upstart, the initialization script will be one of:​
* /etc/init.d/vmware-tools​
* /etc/init.d/vmware-tools-services.sh

One you have located the initialization script, add this line:​

export TMPDIR=/new/desired/path
    For example:​
    export TMPDIR=/var/vmtmp​
In this example, a new tmp directory called vmtmp was created. SRM will use this temp directory when applying guest customization.​
Note: To specify an alternative temporary directory in RHEL7-based guests, add the following entry to the [Service] section of the systemd unit file for the service (usually in /usr/lib/systemd/system):​
  • Restart the VMware Tools service using whichever command is present on your system:​
# /etc/init.d/vmware-tools restart
# /etc/init.d/vmware-tools-services.sh restart​
# /etc/vmware-tools/services.sh restart

This forces a reload of the VMware Tools configuration file.​

Note: Any modification to the VMware Tools initialization script will need to be reapplied when VMware Tools is upgraded.

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