"A generic error occurred in the vSphere Replication Management Server" error when configuring replication of a VM
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"A generic error occurred in the vSphere Replication Management Server" error when configuring replication of a VM


Article ID: 344579


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VMware Live Recovery VMware vSphere ESXi


  • Reconfiguring replication by adding new disk fails.
  • You see an error:

    A generic error occurred in the vSphere Replication Management Server. Exception details: 'Failed to resolve replication target disk for com.vmware.hms.db.entities.DiskEntity@1872677552 : replicatedDiskId=RDID-e5c8acb6-eb8e-414a-afc6-c34dac194eda, deviceKey=2000, sourceDiskFileName = [Datastore] VM_NAME/ VM_NAME.vmdk, diskUUID = 6000C294-9a09-acfa-ada3-eb573019c9c2, destinationDatastoreMoid = datastore-864, destinationPath = VM_NAME, destinationDiskFileName = VM_NAME.vmdk, storageProfileId = null, capacityInKb = 83886080, isExcluded = false, destinationDiskType = thin, adapterType = lsiLogic, isOfflineCopy = false, vm = com.vmware.hms.db.entities.SecondaryVirtualMachineEntity: MoId = HMSVM-67159b72-cec9-4fb1-b8e2-a9d87aba67e8'.


VMware vSphere Replication 6.1.x
VMware vSphere Replication 5.5.x
VMware vSphere Replication 5.1.x
VMware vSphere Replication 6.0.x
VMware vSphere Replication 5.8.x
VMware vSphere Replication 5.6.x


This issue occurs when disk uuid of the replicated disk is not removed from vrmsdb. This is seen on VMs that were replicating and then reconfigured again due to some reason.


To resolve the issue, find out the stale entry for diskuuid from VRMS db and remove it, this can be found in the diskentity table.
Note: Back up the vrmsdb before running the steps to cleanup the db.

From the error, you can identify that the diskuuid is 6000C294-9a09-acfa-ada3-eb573019c9c2.

A generic error occurred in the vSphere Replication Management Server. Exception details: 'Failed to resolve replication target disk for com.vmware.hms.db.entities.DiskEntity@1872677552 : replicatedDiskId=RDID-e5c8acb6-eb8e-414a-afc6-c34dac194eda, deviceKey=2000, sourceDiskFileName = [Datastore] VM_NAME/ VM_NAME.vmdk, diskUUID = 6000C294-9a09-acfa-ada3-eb573019c9c2, destinationDatastoreMoid = datastore-864, destinationPath = VM_NAME, destinationDiskFileName = VM_NAME.vmdk, storageProfileId = null, capacityInKb = 83886080, isExcluded = false, destinationDiskType = thin, adapterType = lsiLogic, isOfflineCopy = false, vm = com.vmware.hms.db.entities.SecondaryVirtualMachineEntity: MoId = HMSVM-67159b72-cec9-4fb1-b8e2-a9d87aba67e8'.

  1. Log in to replication appliance via SSH.
  2. Connect to vrmsdb by running this command:

    /opt/vmware/vpostgres/current/bin/psql -U vrmsdb

  3. List the diskuuid of the replicated disks by running this command:

    select dbid,diskuuid from DiskEntity;

  4. Match the diskuuid from the list to the error.
  5. Remove the dbid corresponding to the diskuuid from step 4 by running this command:

    DELETE FROM diskentity WHERE dbid = xxxxxx;

  6. Repeat the steps for other diskuuid and follow the same steps on both PROD and DR vrmsdb.

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