Lost network connectivity on DVPorts: "1166/9c f1 3e 50 3e ## ## ##-## ## ## b9 5a 3c ea a1". Physical NIC vmnic2 is down.
Network connectivity restored on DVPorts: "1166/9c f1 3e 50 3e ## ## ##-## ## ## b9 5a 3c ea a1". Physical NIC vmnic2 is up.
or messages
log, you also see messages similar to:Oct 6 10:49:27 host1 vmkernel: 65:23:47:01.182 cpu33:93674)etherswitch: L2Sec_EnforcePortCompliance: client VIRTUALMACHINE.eth0 requested mac address change to 00:00:00:00:00:00 on port 0x200030e, disallowed by vswitch
Oct 6 10:49:27 host1 vmkernel: 65:23:47:01.182 cpu33:93674)etherswitch: L2Sec_EnforcePortCompliance: client VITRUALMACHINE.eth0 has policy vialations on port0x200030e. Port is blocked
or messages
log:Oct 6 10:49:27 host1 vmkernel: 65:23:47:01.182 cpu33:93674)NetPort: 982: enabled port 0x200030e with mac xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
Similar events and log messages can occur for other reasons. For more information, see Uplink redundancy restored on DVPorts events for specific virtual machine Dvports (1032895).