"HTTP Error 400. The request is badly formed" error while accessing the Infrastructure tab in vRA
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"HTTP Error 400. The request is badly formed" error while accessing the Infrastructure tab in vRA


Article ID: 344321


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


Accessing the Infrastructure tab in VMware vRealize Automation fails with the error:

HTTP Error 400. The request is badly formed


VMware vCloud Automation Center for Server 6.0.x
VMware vCloud Automation Center for Server 6.1.x
VMware vRealize Automation 6.2.x
VMware vRealize Automation 7.0.x


The issue can occur when the IaaS vRealize Automation application pool is not registered successfully.


To resolve this issue, re-register IaaS vCAC application pool.

To re-register the vCAC application pool:

For vRA/vCAC 6.x:
  1. Log in to the IaaS server that is your primary web server.
  2. Open an administrator level command prompt.
  3. Go to the Cafe directory on the laaS machine by running this command:

    cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\vCAC\Server\Model Manager Data\Cafe"

  4. Register the IaaS application pool by running this command:

    Vcac-Config.exe RegisterEndpoint --EndpointAddress https://FQDN_of_IaaS_Server or Load Balancer/vcac/ --Endpoint ui -v

    For Example:

    Vcac-Config.exe RegisterEndpoint --EndpointAddress --Endpoint ui -v

  5. Restart IIS on the web servers.
  6. Restart the active vCloud Automation Center service on the IaaS manager server.
For vRA 7.x:
  1. Log in to the IaaS server that is your primary Web Server.
  2. Open an administrator level command prompt.
  3. Obtain a certificate by running this command:

    Vcac-Config.exe GetServerCertificates -url https://VA_FQDN --FileName .\Vcac-Config-time-stamp.data –v

  4. Register your solution user certificate by running this command:

    Vcac-Config.exe RegisterSolutionUser -url https://VA _FQDN --Tenant vsphere.local -cu [email protected] -cp vmware --FileName .\Vcac-Config-time-stamp.data –v

  5. Register the event topics with the new solution user by running this command:

    Vcac-Config.exe RegisterCatalogTypes –v

  6. Move your solution user certificate information to the database by using the below command:

    Vcac-Config.exe MoveRegistrationDataToDB -d <vcac> -s <sql_server> -f .\Vcac-Config-time-stamp.data –v

    Note: The user you are registering this command should have Read/Write access to the database to succeed. Replace <vcac> after the –d flag in the command above with the IaaS database name. Replace <sql_server> after the -s flag in the command above with the SQL Server hostname.

  7. Restart IIS on the web servers.
  8. Restart the active vCloud Automation Center service on the IaaS manager server.