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For information regarding USB device passthrough requirements and limitations, as well as steps to add a USB controller and a USB device, see USB support in ESXi/ESX 4.1 and ESXi 5.x (1022290)
If you cannot mount a USB key or disk device media to an ESX/ESXi host, see Cannot mount a USB key or disk device media to an ESX/ESXi host (1036340). Restarting the Management agents in ESXi
USB support in ESXi/ESX 4.1, ESXi 5.x, and ESXi 6.x
Cannot mount a USB key or disk device media to an ESX/ESXi host
Apr 12 06:49:40.443: usbArb| USBArb: Device 0:name:Kingston\ DT\ 101\ G2 vid:0951 pid:1642 path:1/2/0 speed:high family:storage id:1000409511642 owner:(null)
Apr 12 06:54:43.040: usbArb| USBArbPipeConnected: Connected to client, socket:9
[2011-04-12 07:11:19.948 20965B90 warning 'Libs'] USBGL: Giving up on connecting to USB arbitrator