Recreating a missing virtual disk descriptor file of a Workstation virtual machine with disks split into 2GB files
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Recreating a missing virtual disk descriptor file of a Workstation virtual machine with disks split into 2GB files


Article ID: 344223


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VMware Desktop Hypervisor


This article provides steps to recreate a virtual machine's virtual disk descriptor file for a virtual disk that is split across several 2GB extents.


  • VMware Workstation 6.x (Linux)
  • VMware Workstation 7.x (Linux)
  • VMware Workstation 8.x (Windows)
  • VMware Workstation 8.x (Linux)
  • VMware Workstation 7.x (Windows)
  • VMware Workstation 6.x (Windows)


A VMware Workstation virtual machine disk that is split into several 2GB files consists of a single descriptor and multiple extent files in sequence, based on the twoGbMaxExtentFlat or twoGbMaxExtentSparse disk format.

To recreate the virtual disk descriptor file:
  1. Create a virtual disk descriptor file for use as a base or template. For more information, see Recreating a missing virtual machine disk (VMDK) descriptor file (1002511).
  2. Open the descriptor file using a text editor.
  3. Modify the createType entry to:

    createType = "twoGbMaxExtentSparse"

    Note: The createType value depends on the type of extent used when the virtual disk was created. It can either be twoGbMaxExtentFlat or twoGbMaxExtentSparse .

  4. Locate the # Extent description section.
  5. Replace the contents in this section with a list of your extents. For example:

    RW 4192256 SPARSE "vmdisk0-s001.vmdk"
    RW 4192256 SPARSE "vmdisk0-s002.vmdk"
    RW 2101248 SPARSE "vmdisk0-s003.vmdk"

    Note: The vmdk file name differs on every machine and depends on the name that you chose for the disk.

  6. Modify the DDB entries to:

    ddb.virtualHWVersion = "8"
    ddb.geometry.cylinders = "652"
    ddb.geometry.heads = "255"
    ddb.geometry.sectors = "63"
    ddb.adapterType = "lsilogic"

    Note: The ddb.virtualHWVersion and ddb.adapterType differs based on your virtual machine settings.

  7. Locate and remove this line from the descriptor file, unless this was originally a thin-provisioned virtual disk before losing the descriptor file:

    ddb.thinProvisioned = "1"