This article provides steps to verify certificate expiration dates and resolve expired certificates in the vCenter Server using the command line interface.
503 service not available...endpoint
[500] An error occurred while fetching identity providers
for store in $(/usr/lib/vmware-vmafd/bin/vecs-cli store list | grep -v TRUSTED_ROOT_CRLS); do echo "[*] Store :" $store; /usr/lib/vmware-vmafd/bin/vecs-cli entry list --store $store --text | grep -ie "Alias" -ie "Not After";done;
$VCInstallHome = [System.Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables("%VMWARE_CIS_HOME%");foreach ($STORE in & "$VCInstallHome\vmafdd\vecs-cli" store list){Write-host STORE: $STORE;& "$VCInstallHome\vmafdd\vecs-cli" entry list --store $STORE --text | findstr /C:"Alias" /C:"Not After"}
You will see an output similar to:
If you have expired trusted root or SSL certificates it is recommended to get the system working again using the default VMware Certificate Authority certificates, then to re-apply your custom certificate, see Replacing a vSphere 6.x /7.x Machine SSL certificate with a Custom Certificate Authority Signed Certificate
For vCenter with embedded PSC, or external PSCs only, do the following only on one node for each system of linked nodes: replace the STS certificate per "Signing certificate is not valid" error in VCSA 6.5.x/6.7.x and vCenter Server 7.0.x
On each node (vCenter, vCenter with embedded PSC, or external PSC) found with this expired certificate, run certificate-manager option 3 to replace the SSL certificate.
If one or more of these has expired, On each node (vCenter, vCenter with embedded PSC, or external PSC) found with this expired certificate, run certificate-manager option 6 to replace the solution users certificates.
Note: If option 3 or 6 of the Certificate manager fails for the VCenter you could try using option 8 to reset all Certificates.
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