Cannot turn off elasticity for Allocation Pool OrgVdcs. All the allocation Pool OrgVdcs cannot be accommodated on the primary Cluster of their PVDCs
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Cannot turn off elasticity for Allocation Pool OrgVdcs. All the allocation Pool OrgVdcs cannot be accommodated on the primary Cluster of their PVDCs


Article ID: 344129


Updated On:


VMware Cloud Director VMware vSphere ESXi


To disable  'Make Allocation pool Org VDCs elastic' from VCD UI deselect the option  in System, Admin, General Settings.

You cannot disable 'Make Allocation pool Org VDCs elastic'in vCloud Director 9.x


VMware Cloud Director for Service Provider 9.5.x
VMware Cloud Director for Service Provider 9.0.x
VMware vSphere ESXi 6.5


Elastic allocation pool, making all allocation pool organization virtual datacenters elastic. Before deselecting this option, ensure all virtual machines (VMs) for each organization virtual datacenter have been migrated to a single cluster.

If we cannot migrate the VMs to single cluster then, we shall update make the changes from vCloud director Database with-out impacting the current VMs.


1. Log in to the vCloud Director cell using SSH as root user.

2. Run this command to change the directory to where the cell-management-tool is located:

# cd /opt/vmware/vcloud-director/bin

3. Run this command to verify the job count and active state (true):

# ./cell-management-tool -u administrator cell -t

Enter the administrator password:
Job count = 2
Is Active = true

4. Run this command to ensure the cell takes no new jobs:

# ./cell-management-tool -u administrator cell -q true

Enter the administrator password.

5. Run this command verify the job count and active state (false):

# ./cell-management-tool -u administrator cell -t

Enter the administrator password:
Job count = 0
Is Active = false

6. Run this command to shutdown the cell when the Job count = 0 and Is Active = false:

# ./cell-management-tool -u administrator cell -s

Enter the administrator password.

7. Run these commands to stop the vCloud Director services:

# service vmware-vcd stop

Stopping vmware-vcd-watchdog: [ OK ]
Stopping vmware-vcd-cell: [ OK ]

8.  Connect to vCloud director DB instance and run the following query:

UPDATE dbo.config SET value ='false' where name = 'compute.allocationpool.elastic'

9. Run these commands to start the vCloud Director services on each cell:

# service vmware-vcd start

Starting vmware-vcd-watchdog: [ OK ]
Starting vmware-vcd-cell: [ OK ]

NOTE: Once you connect to VCD UI now we can validate that the option 'Make Allocation pool Org VDCs elastic'  is disabled  in System, Admin, General Settings.

Additional Information

Note: These steps incurs ~15 of downtime for vCloud Director Cells. This procedure modifies the database. Ensure to take a backup of the database before proceeding.