Audio, video or Skype in a Fusion virtual machine is not working
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Audio, video or Skype in a Fusion virtual machine is not working


Article ID: 344077


Updated On:


VMware Desktop Hypervisor


You may experience these issues:

  • Audio input is not working in the virtual machine (cannot record or be heard).
  • Audio output is not working in the virtual machine (not hearing audio output).
  • Video is not working in the virtual machine.
  • Skype is not working in the virtual machine.


VMware Fusion 7.x
VMware Fusion Pro 10.x
VMware Fusion Pro 8.x
VMware Fusion 6.x
VMware Fusion 4.x
VMware Fusion 3.x
VMware Fusion 5.x
VMware Fusion 10.x
VMware Fusion 8.x


For audio or video to work within a Fusion virtual machine, the device must be attached to the virtual machine.

Attaching the audio device to the virtual machine

To attach an external audio device such as an external microphone or headphones, or combination mic / headphones to a virtual machine:

  1. Click in the virtual machine window to give the virtual machine the focus.
  2. Plug in the device. Now the device is attached to the virtual machine.

If you click on the outer Mac host, then plug in the device, the Mac host has the device attached to it.

Enabling the internal video device (FaceTime HD camera) within the virtual machine

For video to work from within a virtual machine, you must enable the video device in the virtual machine. An example is enabling video for a Skype phone call.

To enable video from within the virtual machine:

For Fusion 6.x and below:
  1. From the Fusion menu bar, go to Virtual Machine > Settings > USB & Bluetooth or USB Devices (Fusion 3 and earlier).
  2. Connect the Apple FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in).
  3. Click the video icon within Skype to be able to use video.
For Fusion 7.x and above:
  • Camera is available without making any changes in Virtual Machine > Settings. Launch Skype and click the video icon within Skype to be able to use video.

Solution to not being able to hear audio output

If you have issues with hearing audio output (through the headphones or the built-in speakers):

  1. Check that the Mac audio output settings are correct:
    1. Go to System Preferences > Sound, and click the Output tab.
    2. Make sure that you have selected the desired device for sound output.
    3. Check the Output volume and make sure you do not have Mute enabled.
  2. Check the output settings within the virtual machine:
    1. In Windows, click Settings > Control Panel > Sounds and Audio Devices.
    2. In Sounds and Audios Devices Properties, ensure that you have the desired sound playback device chosen and that its volume is high enough for you. You may need to go through every tab and button within Properties. You can even test some hardware from within these windows.

Solution to not being able to record your voice or be heard (audio input not working)

If you are unable to record or be heard (audio input problems), you need to check the settings for the microphone, whether external or built-in.

  1. Check the Mac audio input settings:
    1. <go to="" <strong=""></go>System Preferences > Sound, and click the Input tab .
    2. Make sure that you have selected the desired device for sound input (Internal microphone or Line In).
    3. Check the Input volume.
    4. You can check that the audio input device is working from this window. Make sure that the Input level bar shows action when you speak through the input device.
  2. Check the virtual machine's audio input settings:
    1. In Windows, click Settings > Control Panel > Sounds and Audio Devices.
    2. In Sounds and Audios Devices Properties, ensure that you have the desired sound input device (voice or sound recording) chosen and that its volume is high enough for you. You may need to go through every tab and button within Properties. You can even test some hardware from within these windows.

For related information, see Sound is not working in Windows virtual machine (1003425).