When emailgtw starts up, it first looks for a permanent queue called emailgtw. However, if it does not find a queue to attach to, it will create a temporary queue subscription. It is not possible to empty a temporary queue from the hub GUI. How do I clear pending messages in the emailgtw queue?
There are two methods to empty a temporary queue:
1. Deactivate and Reactivate the probe.
This will force the queue to be turned down and any messages that are contained in the queue will be removed by the hub as part of that process.
2. Disconnect the queue.
Open the hub GUI, click the Status tab and locate the temporary queue. The queue can be identified by looking in the Id column and finding emailgtw.
Right-click on that queue and choose Disconnect.
A permanent queue for emailgtw can be setup with following parameters:
Open the hub GUI
Click the Queues tab
Click the New button
Use the following parameters:
Name: emailgtw
Type: attach
Subject: EMAIL,alarm_assign