What are the different types of robots?
Release: UIM 7.6 or higher
Component: robot
Robot "Type" as per the hub GUI Robots Tab showing the list of robots:
Indicates the Robot’s ‘connection’ to the Hub.
Normally it is a child a.k.a Regular, indicating that the Robot is controlled by it’s Primary or Secondary Hub (this is defined in the controller – configuration tool for the Robot), or the Robot is moved to a Hub (using the right-click menu in the Navigation Pane).
Another type is Orphan, which occurs if both the Robot’s Primary and Secondary Hubs are unavailable, and the Robot has searched the subnet and found a temporary Hub.
In the course of normal operations, if a robot loses connection with its Primary hub it will switch to a Secondary hub.
You can see this switch by opening hub configuration and then go to the Robots tab. If the robot type is 'Regular' then the robot is reporting to it's Primary hub. If the robot type is Orphan then this is the secondary hub.
Robot table information:
Select * from CM_NIMBUS_ROBOT table.
Check for the 'flags' field:
For a robot when Type is Regular: flags value = 1
For a robot when Type is Temporary: flags value= 0
For a robot when Type is Passive: flags value = 3
Also note that:
if flags = 2 or 3, offline field = 1
if flags = 0 or 1, offline field = 0
When a robot comes online it takes the configured hub's name and does a nametoip call. For example, robot.cfg had the hub configured as /domain/hub/robot the robot will do a nametoip to resolve the Nimsoft name to the hub's ip address.
Robot will then attempt to contact that hub on it's IP address. If contact cannot be made it will then try the secondary hub's name and then its ip address.
If that does not work the robot will do a generic get hub call. The robot will attach to the nearest hub responding to the above sequence of calls. The robot should continue to look for it's Primary hub.
Passive Robots:
Passive robots do not send messages to the hub; messages are sent only at the hub’s request. Robots can be configured as passive during installation, or converted from active mode to passive mode.