Feb 24 10:15:23:601 emailgtw: Certificate failure for xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx: Server name does not match certificate: C=US, S=CA, L=xxxxxxxx, O="xxxxx.", OU=Information Technology, CN=*.example.com
Feb 24 10:15:23:601 emailgtw: Unable to negotiate TLS with this server: xxx.xxxx.xxx.xxx
Feb 24 10:15:23:619 emailgtw: Certificate failure for xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx: Server name does not match certificate: C=US, S=CA, L=xxxxxxxx, O="xxxxx", OU=Information Technology, CN=*.example.com
Feb 24 10:15:23:619 emailgtw: Unable to negotiate TLS with this server: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
Feb 24 10:15:23:619 emailgtw: (send_it) Could not open connection to any server
Release: Any
Component: emailgtw
The errors could be due to changes to the mail server regardinging TLS/the SSL certificate for RDP was updated.