SLES 10 64bit virtual machine becomes unresponsive with the error: The CPU has been disabled by the guest operating system
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SLES 10 64bit virtual machine becomes unresponsive with the error: The CPU has been disabled by the guest operating system


Article ID: 343900


Updated On:


VMware vSphere ESXi



  • A SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 10 64bit virtual machine with multiple virtual CPUs becomes unresponsive.
  • The following error may be seen: The CPU has been disabled by the guest operating system
  • The vmware.log file for the affected virtual machine shows a message similar to:
    vcpu-0| Msg_Hint: msg.monitorevent.halt (sent)
    vcpu-0| The CPU has been disabled by the guest operating system. You will need to power off or reset the virtual machine at this point.
    vmx| VMXRequestReset
    vmx| Stopping VCPU threads...


VMware vCenter Server 6.5.x
VMware vCenter Server 6.7.x
VMware vCenter Server 7.x
VMware vCenter Server 8.x


This issue occurs with the following Linux kernel versions:
  • kernel-smp-2.6.16-60-0.27
  • kernel-smp-2.6.16-60-0.30
  • kernel-smp-2.6.16-60-0.33
Note: This issue can also occur on Red Hat Linux virtual machines with the above kernel versions.


This is not a vSphere issue.
To resolve this issue, upgrade the virtual machine SLES kernel to kernel-smp-2.6.16-60-0.34 or later.