Release: DX UIM 20.4.x / 23.4.X
Component: jdbc_probe
Part-I - On MySQL Server:
1- Enable Remote access for MySQL:
a. In my.cnf, make MySQL Listen on ethernet IP address:
Under [mysqld] section:
and comment out the following (if exists)
# skip-networking
b. Save/exit the file and restart MySQL
# /etc/init.d/mysql restart
2- Allow remote access to the MySQL monitoring user:
a. Login to MySQL using 'mysql' command:
#mysql -u root –p password
Change with your 'root' password
b. Create MySQL monitoring user:
mysql>create user 'dbuser' identified by 'password';
c. Grant new user access to monitored databse:
mysql>grant all on test.* to dbuser@'jdbc_reposne Robot IP Address;
Change the GRANT statement to allow only required permissions per probe help document.
Part-II - On 'jdbc_response' probe Robot:
a. Download MySQL JDBC Driver from MySQL site:
b. Rename mysql-connector-java-5.1.10-bin.jar to mysql.jar for your convenience to use the driver name
c. Copy mysql.jar to \probe\database\jdbc_response\jar\
d. Change runprobe.bat:
set CLASSPATH should look like this:
set CLASSPATH=jar\jdbc_response.jar;jar\nimsoft.jar;jar\TwoFish.jar;jar\oracle.jar;jar\sql_drv.jar;jar\mysql.jar
Note jar\mysql.jar
e. In jdbc_response probe connection properties:
Database URL: jdbc:mysql://##.##.##.##:3306/test
Driver Name: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
Driver Path: /Program Files/Nimsoft/probes/database/jdbc_response/jar/mysql.jar
User ID: MySQL user set with right permissions/access
Password: MySQL user password
You should now be able to connect the MySQL Server database using the jdbc_reponse probe.