In this example, an ISO image was mounted on the virtual machine, but the VMFS volume and ISO no longer exist.
To verify if an ISO image was mounted on the virtual machine, first determine the host with which the virtual machine is compatible. for more information, see
Determining which hosts are compatible for HA protected virtual machines (2037002). For example, the virtual machine is compatible with and running on host-1208:
The failover request (for example, RequestPlacement) is correctly ordered by the primary (for example, VmOperationsManager):
<YYYY-MM-DD>T<time></time>.900Z [48A81B90 verbose 'Policy' opID=SWI-6e28e512] [VmOperationsManager::RequestPlacement] VM ID /vmfs/volumes/4fbf41e5-########-####-##########60/vm/vm.vmx: Transitioned to 'Placement' state for 'VmFailover'
As indicated previously, the virtual machine is compatible and is running on one host, so the failover fails with the error NoCompatibleHost in the fdm logs. This issue occurs because the ISO image was mounted in the virtual machine, but the VMFS volume and ISO no longer exist:
ide0:0.present = "true"
ide0:0.fileName = "/vmfs/volumes/4dde0d0f-6daac226-86d4-##########c2/iso/mysoftware.iso"
ide0:0.deviceType = "cdrom-image"
<YYYY-MM-DD>T<time></time>.809Z [67EA0B90 verbose 'vm:/vmfs/volumes/4fbf41e5-########-####-##########60/vm/vm.vmx'] Retrieved current VM state from foundry 7, 6
<YYYY-MM-DD>T<time></time>.454Z [67EA0B90 verbose 'vm:/vmfs/volumes/4fbf41e5-########-####-##########60/vm/vm.vmx'] Handling message _vmx2: Cannot connect file "/vmfs/volumes/4dde0d0f-########-####-##########c2/iso/mysoftware.iso" as a CD-ROM image: Could not find the file
<YYYY-MM-DD>T<time></time>.454Z [67EA0B90 info 'ha-eventmgr'] Event 21 : Warning message on vm on server.local in ha-datacenter: Virtual device ide0:0 will start disconnected.
<YYYY-MM-DD>T<time></time>.455Z [67EA0B90 verbose 'vm:/vmfs/volumes/4fbf41e5-########-####-##########60/vm/vm.vmx'] sleepState value is 0
<YYYY-MM-DD>T<time></time>.471Z [67EA0B90 info 'ha-eventmgr' opID=3CAF5A58-00005C2E-a4-37-bf] Event 22 : vm on server.local in ha-datacenter is powered on
<YYYY-MM-DD>T<time></time>.471Z [67EA0B90 info 'vm:/vmfs/volumes/4fbf41e5-########-####-##########60/vm/vm.vmx' opID=3CAF5A58-00005C2E-a4-37-bf] State Transition (VM_STATE_POWERING_ON -> VM_STATE_ON)