Note: The first part of the system UUID is the Unix time (aka Epoch time) in hexadecimal at the time the UUID was created. This can be converted to decimal, and the date command can then be used to convert the Unix time to a human readable value.
- Log in to ESXi server through SSH.
- Run this command to determine the installation date of the ESXi host:
echo -n "ESXi install date: " ; date -d @$(printf "%d" 0x$(esxcli system uuid get | cut -d \- -f1 ))
For example:
echo -n "ESXi install date: " ; date -d @$(printf "%d" 0x$(esxcli system uuid get | cut -d \- -f1 ))
ESXi install date: Mon Mar 9 17:08:08 UTC 2015