Checking the uptime of the Collector in the ADM Appliance
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Checking the uptime of the Collector in the ADM Appliance


Article ID: 343784


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server


This article provides steps for checking the uptime of the Collector in the ADM Appliance.


VMware vCenter Application Discovery Manager 7.x
VMware vCenter Application Discovery Manager 6.x
VMware vCenter Application Discovery Manager 5.x


To check the uptime of the Smarts ADM Appliance:
  1. Run the uptime command at the prompt:

    [root@abcde019 /]# uptime

    11:56:40 up 7 days, 54 min, 1 user, load average: 0.71, 0.37, 0.29

  2. To check the uptime of the collector, run a tail command on the ActiveDiscovery-main.root.log, and grep for uptime:

    [root@abcde019 nlayers]# tail /var/lo/nlayers/ActiveDiscovery-main.root.log | grep -i "uptime"

    2007-08-31 11:50:57,894 INFO [StatusReporter] (StatusReporter-56864) Reporting uptime: com.nlayers.seneca.ap.ApUptimeReport@1f17ce5[apProbeId=100,version=,uptime=607575330,collectorIp=]
Note: The uptime data is provided in milliseconds. To convert milliseconds to minutes, divide the uptime by 600000.

Additional Information

Source: emc168929