"No host data available" error in the Hardware Status tab after upgrading to vCenter Server 6.5/6.7
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"No host data available" error in the Hardware Status tab after upgrading to vCenter Server 6.5/6.7


Article ID: 343753


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server


To work around the No host data available error, remove the stale serviceID.

  • After upgrading to vCenter Server 6.5/6.7, the vSphere Web Client displays this error when selecting the Hardware Status tab:

    No host data available
  • In the vpxd.log file, there are entries similar to:

    2016-12-21T20:34:13.439Z verbose vpxd[7F7629716700] [Originator@6876 sub=HTTP server] Sent NotFound response for GET /hwh/gwtcim?host=host-92&op=getHostData
    2016-12-21T20:34:31.903Z verbose vpxd[7F760BD7A700] [Originator@6876 sub=HTTP server] Sent NotFound response for GET /hwh/gwtcim?host=host-108&op=getHostData
    2016-12-21T20:34:49.191Z verbose vpxd[7F7629B1E700] [Originator@6876 sub=HTTP server] Sent NotFound response for GET /hwh/gwtcim?host=host-108&op=getHostData
    2016-12-21T20:35:05.711Z verbose vpxd[7F7628471700] [Originator@6876 sub=HTTP server] Sent NotFound response for GET /hwh/gwtcim?host=host-33&op=getHostData

    Note: The vpxd.log file is located at:
    • In vCenter Server 6.5/6.7 - %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\VMWare\vCenterServer\logs\vmware-vpx.
    • In vCenter Server Appliance 6.5/6.7 - /var/log/vmware/vmware-vpx.
  • In the vsphere_client_virgo.log file, there are entries similar to:

    [2016-12-21T20:35:05.714Z] [ERROR] data-service-pool-502 70000186 100011 200005 com.vmware.vise.util.http.ConnectionManager Error reading from the stream: https://VC.com:443/hwh/gwtcim?host=host-33&op=getHostData
    [2016-12-21T20:35:05.714Z] [WARN ] data-service-pool-502 70000186 100011 200005 com.vmware.vim.cimmonitor.http.impl.CimVc61HttpService No host data. Http status code: 404

    Note: The vsphere_client_virgo.log file is located at:
    • In vCenter Server 6.5/6.7 - %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\VMWare\vCenterServer\logs\vsphere-client\logs.
    • In vCenter Server Appliance 6.5/6.7 - /var/log/vmware/vsphere-client/logs.

Note: These log excerpts are an example. Date, time, and environmental variables may vary depending on your environment.



VMware vCenter Server 6.7.x
VMware vCenter Server Appliance 6.5.x
VMware vCenter Server 6.5.x
VMware vCenter Server Appliance 6.7.x


This issue occurs due to an issue with the component manager registration when upgrading from vSphere 5.5 or 6.0 to vSphere 6.5/6.7.


    This issue is resolved in VMware vCenter Server 6.5 Update 1d , available at VMware Downloads for these upgrade paths:
    • vSphere 6.0 to  6.5 U1d
    • vSphere 5.5 to 6.5 U1d
    Note: This issue might occur with the following upgrade paths:
    • vSphere 6.0 to 6.5 to 6.5 U1d
    • vSphere 5.5 to 6.5 to 6.5 U1d
    • vSphere 6.0 to 6.7 U2


    To work around this issue, remove the stale serviceID:

    vSphere 6.5 U1d

    1. From a Web browser, connect to the vCenter Server Managed Object Browser (MOB) at:

    2. Login as the [email protected] user.
    3. Click Search.
    4. Edit the Value column to only have these lines:
    1. Click Invoke Method.
    2. Press Ctrl+F and search for cis.vws.servicename.
    3. Copy the serviceID string directly above cis.vws.servicename.

    4. Exit this window.
    5. Click UnregisterService.
    6. Under the Value column, enter the string copied in step 7.
    7. Click Invoke Method.

    vSphere 6.7 U2

    1. From a Web browser, connect to the vCenter Server Managed Object Browser (MOB) at:

    2. Login as the [email protected] user.
    3. Click RetrieveServiceContent.
    4. Click Invoke Method.
    5. Click on ServiceRegistration.
    6. Click List
    7. Edit the Value column to only have these lines:
    1. Click Invoke Method.
    2. Press Ctrl+F and search for cis.vws.servicename.
    3. Copy the serviceID string directly above cis.vws.servicename.
    4. Exit this window.
    5. Traverse till ServiceRegistration and click Delete.
    6. Under the Value column, enter the string copied in step 10.
    7. Click Invoke Method.

    Additional Information

    To be alerted when this document is updated, click the Subscribe to Article link in the Actions box..升级到 vCenter Server 6.5 后“硬件状态”选项卡中出现“无可用主机数据 (No hosts data available)”错误
    vCenter Server 6.5 にアップグレードすると [ハードウェア ステータス] タブに「使用可能なホスト データがありません (No hosts data available)」エラーが表示される