Create a VLAN
- Navigate to Network > VLAN > VLAN List > New VLAN (Create).
- Provide a Name.
- Under Resource > Interfaces, move Interface 1.1 to Untagged using the Add button.
- Click Finished.
Configure the Interfaces
- Navigate to Network > Interfaces > Interface List.
- Select 1.2 and 1.3.
- Click Disable.
Note: These steps only using one Interface. You may require more than one active Interface.
Configure the Self-IP
- Navigate to Network > Self-IP > New Self-IP.
- Provide a Name.
- Enter the IP Address and Netmask for the Self-IP.
- In the VLAN/Tunnel section, select the VLAN created previously.
- In the Port Lockdown section, select Allow Default.
- Click Finished.
Note: The Self-IP cannot exist on the same subnet as the F5 Management IP.
Create PSC WebSSO Service Monitors
- Navigate to Local Traffic > Monitors > Create.
- Provide a Name "psc-01-websso-health".
- Select Type HTTPS.
- Set an interval of 30 Seconds.
- In the Send String field enter: GET /websso/HealthStatus HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:<psc-01-fqdn>\r\nConnection: Close\r\n\r\n
- In the Receive String field enter 200.
- In Alias Service Port enter 443.
- Select Finished.
- Navigate to Local Traffic > Monitors > Create.
- Provide a Name "psc-02-websso-health".
- Select Type HTTPS.
- Set an interval of 30 Seconds.
- In the Send String field enter: GET /websso/HealthStatus HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:<psc-02-fqdn>\r\nConnection: Close\r\n\r\n
- In the Receive String field enter 200.
- In Alias Service Port enter 443.
- Select Finished.
Create PSC VMdir Service Monitors,
- Navigate to Local Traffic > Monitors > Create.
- Provide a Name "psc-ha-vmdir-health".
- Select Type TCP.
- Set an interval of 30 Seconds.
- Leave the Send String field empty.
- Leave the String field empty.
- In Alias Service Port enter 389.
- Select Finished.
Create Member Nodes
- Navigate to Local Traffic > Nodes > Node List > Create.
- Provide a Name.
- Provide the IP Address of the First PSC Node.
- Under Health Monitors select Node Specific.
- Move icmp and psc-01-websso-health and psc-ha-vmdir-health to the Active column using the << button.
- Click Finished.
- Navigate to Local Traffic > Nodes > Node List > Create.
- Provide a Name.
- Provide the IP Address of the First PSC Node.
- Under Health Monitors select Node Specific.
- Move icmp and psc-02-websso-health and psc-ha-vmdir-health to the Active column using the << button.
- Click Finished.
Create Load Balancer Pools
- Navigate to Local Traffic > Pools > Pool List > Create.
- Provide a Name.
- In the Health Monitors field, move tcp to Active using the << button.
- In the Load Balancing Method field, select Round Robin.
- In the New Members field, select Node List.
- In the Address field, select your First PSC Node.
- In the Service Port field, enter 443.
- Under Priority, enter the value 10.
- Click Add.
- In the Address field, select your Second PSC Node.
- In the Service Port field, enter 443.
- Under Priority, enter the value 1.
- Click Add.
- Click Finished.
- Repeat preceding steps for ports 389, 636, 2012, 2014, 2020.
Create a Persistence Profile
- Navigate to Local Traffic > Profiles > Persistence > Create.
- Provide a Name.
- Select Persistence Type > Source Address Affinity from the drop down menu.
- Select Custom.
- Enable Match across services.
- Specify the Timeout value to be at least 28800.
- Click Finish.
Creating the Virtual Server IP (VIP)
- Navigate to Local Traffic > Virtual Servers > Virtual Server List > Create.
- Provide a Name.
- In the Destination Address field, input the Virtual IP to be used for the Load Balanced PSC FQDN.
- In the Service Port field, enter a value of 443.
- In the Source Address Translation field, select Auto Map.
- In the Default Pool field, select the Pool for 443 created previously.
- In the Default Persistence Profile field, select the persistence profile created previously.
- Click Finished.
- Create the VIP for remaining ports 389, 636, 2012, 2014, 2020.
Verify Node, Pool, VIP
- Navigate to Local Traffic > Network Map.
- Ensure that Each VIP contains the correct Pool and that the correct Pool contains the correct Node:Port assignment.