"Error[VdbError] (-5) The data being fetched is NULL at column position 18 for "VPX_DS_INFO.MAX_PHYSICAL_RDM_FILE_SIZE"" error while upgrading VCSA from 6.5 to 6.7
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"Error[VdbError] (-5) The data being fetched is NULL at column position 18 for "VPX_DS_INFO.MAX_PHYSICAL_RDM_FILE_SIZE"" error while upgrading VCSA from 6.5 to 6.7


Article ID: 343742


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server


  • Upgrading vCenter appliance from 6.5 to 6.7 fails with the error:

    Error[VdbError] (-5) The data being fetched is NULL at column position 18 for "VPX_DS_INFO.MAX_PHYSICAL_RDM_FILE_SIZE"
  • In the FirstbootInfrastructure.log file, you see entries similar to:

    2019-05-07T10:16:36.87Z INFO firstbootInfrastructure [Failed] /usr/lib/vmware-vpx/firstboot/vpxd_firstboot.py is complete
    2019-05-07T10:16:36.89Z WARNING firstbootInfrastructure Bug component info file does not exist
    2019-05-07T10:16:36.89Z INFO firstbootInfrastructure Firstboot duration: 1396 sec
    2019-05-07T10:16:36.89Z INFO firstbootInfrastructure First boot is a failure
  •  In the vpxd_firstboot.py_13448_stderr.log file you see entries similar to:

    2019-05-07T10:16:35.994Z  Invoked command: ['/usr/sbin/vpxd', '-L']
    2019-05-07T10:16:35.995Z  RC = 2
    Stdout =
    Stderr =
    2019-05-07T10:16:35.995Z  VirtualCenter firstboot failed
  •  In the vpxd.log file, you see entries similar to:

    2019-05-07T10:16:35.987Z error vpxd[32030] [Originator@6876 sub=Main] Init failed. VdbError: Error[VdbError] (-5) The data being fetched is NULL at column position 18 for "VPX_DS_INFO.MAX_PHYSICAL_RDM_FILE_SIZE"
    --> Backtrace:


VMware vCenter Server Appliance 6.5.x
VMware vCenter Server 6.5.x
VMware vCenter Server Appliance 6.7.x
VMware vCenter Server 6.7.x


This issue occurs when there are one or more entries are having null values which causes vpxd firstboot failure in the table vpx_datastore_info the MAX_PHYSICAL_RDM_FILE_SIZE or MAX_VIRTUAL_RDM_FILE_SIZE.


To resolve this issue:
  1. Take snapshot of the VCSA.
  2. Connect to the vCenter database using below commands:
    • Appliance
      /opt/vmware/vpostgres/current/bin/psql -d VCDB -U postgres
    • Windows
      • vPostgres:
        • Click Start Run type in cmd and press Enter.
        • Change to the C:\Program Files\VMware\vCenter Server\vPostgres\bin\ directory.
        • Connect to the database using psql command:

          -U username database_name
      • SQL:
        • Connect to SQL Management Studio and select the vCenter Database (Default DB Name: VCDB)
  1. Run these commands:
    Select * from vpx_datastore_info where MAX_PHYSICAL_RDM_FILE_SIZE is NULL;
    Select * from vpx_datastore_info where MAX_VIRTUAL_RDM_FILE_SIZE is NULL;
  1. Run the command:
    UPDATE vpx_datastore_info set MAX_PHYSICAL_RDM_FILE_SIZE= <size> where MAX_PHYSICAL_RDM_FILE_SIZE is null; 
    UPDATE vpx_datastore_info set MAX_PHYSICAL_RDM_FILE_SIZE= <size> where MAX_VIRTUAL_RDM_FILE_SIZE is null;

    For example: 

    UPDATE vpx_datastore_info set MAX_PHYSICAL_RDM_FILE_SIZE= 68169720922112 where MAX_PHYSICAL_RDM_FILE_SIZE is null;
  1. Retry the VC Upgrade.