To resolve the issue, add the .jar extension to two of the agent handlers.
- Log into the Hyperic Server as root via SSH or Console.
- Navigate to the /opt/hyperic-hqee-agent-5.8.x.x/bundles/agent-5.8.x.x/lib/handlers directory.
Note: Replace x.x with the version of Hyperic you are running.
Example: /opt/hyperic-hqee-agent-
- Change the hq-agent-handler-autoinventory-5.8.x.x and hq-agent-handler-measurement-5.8.x.x.j files to have .jar extensions by running below commands:
mv hq-agent-handler-autoinventory-5.8.x.x hq-agent-handler-autoinventory-5.8.x.x.jar
mv hq-agent-handler-measurement-5.8.x.x.j hq-agent-handler-measurement-5.8.x.x.jar
Note: Replace x.x with the version of Hyperic you are running.