Solaris 10 SPARC Hyperic Agent Is Not Visible in Hyperic Server AutoDiscovery Dashboard
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Solaris 10 SPARC Hyperic Agent Is Not Visible in Hyperic Server AutoDiscovery Dashboard


Article ID: 343608


Updated On:


VMware VMware Aria Suite


  • You have successfully configured a Hyperic Solaris 10 SPARC agent but it fails to show up in auto inventory.
  • After re-initializing the agent by removing its data directory and running setup, the agent still fails to show.


VMware vFabric Hyperic Server 5.8.x
VMware vRealize Hyperic 5.8.4.x
VMware vRealize Hyperic 5.8.4
VMware vRealize Hyperic 5.8.5


Server communication handlers which were supposed to be initialized did note get initialized and some of the required classes didn’t get loaded into the classloader.


To resolve the issue, add the .jar extension to two of the agent handlers.
  1. Log into the Hyperic Server as root via SSH or Console.
  2. Navigate to the /opt/hyperic-hqee-agent-5.8.x.x/bundles/agent-5.8.x.x/lib/handlers directory.
Note: Replace x.x with the version of Hyperic you are running.
  1. Change the hq-agent-handler-autoinventory-5.8.x.x and hq-agent-handler-measurement-5.8.x.x.j files to have .jar extensions by running below commands:
mv hq-agent-handler-autoinventory-5.8.x.x hq-agent-handler-autoinventory-5.8.x.x.jar
mv hq-agent-handler-measurement-5.8.x.x.j hq-agent-handler-measurement-5.8.x.x.jar

Note: Replace x.x with the version of Hyperic you are running.

Additional Information

Unable to monitor Solaris 10 SPARC in Hyperic