Extracting a core dump file from the diagnostic partition following a purple diagnostic screen error
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Extracting a core dump file from the diagnostic partition following a purple diagnostic screen error


Article ID: 343591


Updated On: 11-05-2024


VMware vSphere ESXi


This article provides information on extracting a core dump file from the diagnostic partition following a purple diagnostic screen error.

During a purple diagnostic screen, ESXi attempts to write a VMkernel core dump to a previously-configured VMKCore (type 0xFC) partition. This file is normally created during start up or while collecting vm-support logs.

In ESXi 5.5 and higher, a VMkernel core dump may be written to a dump file, either in addition or instead of a partition. For such cases, see Generating a VMkernel zdump manually from a dump file in ESXi (2081902).


For more information on related topics, see:


VMware vSphere ESXi 7.x
VMware vSphere ESXi 6.x


The command line utility for extracting a VMkernel core dump differs between versions of ESXi/ESX.

vSphere 6.x and higher

Use command-line tools on the ESXi host to identify the diagnostic partition and copy its contents to a file.

  1. Connect to ESXi host using SSH

  2. Determine the device identifiers for the diagnostic partition(s) by running one of these commands:

    • esxcli system coredump partition list
    • esxcfg-dumppart -t

    You see output mentioning a device name and full path to the partition (

    mpx.vmhba1:C0:T0:L0:7 /vmfs/devices/disks/mpx.vmhba1:C0:L0:7

  3. A core dump file is between 100 and 300 MB in size. Change to a directory with sufficient space to store the core dump file, such as on a Datastore.

    For example:

    cd /vmfs/volumes/DatastoreName/

  4. Copy the partition contents to a file by running the esxcfg-dumppart command, specifying the full path from step 2:

    esxcfg-dumppart --copy --devname "/vmfs/devices/disks/identifier" --zdumpname /vmfs/volumes/datastore1/filename.1

    For example:

    esxcfg-dumppart --copy --devname "/vmfs/devices/disks/mpx.vmhba2:C0:T0:L0:2" --zdumpname /vmfs/volumes/datastore1/hostname-date-zdump

  5. Use the Datastore Browser or scp to retrieve the produced zdump file, and share it with VMware Support.