After you stage a baseline, a bulletin might be shown as Missing instead of Staged
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After you stage a baseline, a bulletin might be shown as Missing instead of Staged


Article ID: 343506


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VMware vCenter Server VMware vSphere ESXi


After you successfully stage a baseline that contains multiple bulletins, some bulletins might be shown as Staged and others as Missing. The issue might also occur when you stage a baseline that contains a single bulletin.
The issue occurs because the bulletins might contain some or few vSphere installation bundles (VIBs) that differ in their versions, but are for the same component. In such cases, Update Manager stages only the newest versions of the VIBs. The earlier versions of the VIBs are not staged to the host and the bulletins that contain the earlier versions of the VIBs are marked as Missing.

In case you stage a baseline containing a single bulletin, the state of the bulletin might be displayed as Missing, because later versions of the installation bundles might be already staged to the host.


Consider the scenario in which you stage a baseline that contains bulletin B1 and bulletin B2.
  • Bulletin B1 contains VIB A1 and VIB C2
  • Bulletin B2 contains VIB A2 and VIB D2
VIB A2 is of a later version than VIB A1.

When you stage the baseline, bulletin B1 is displayed as Missing, although VIB C2 is staged to the host. Only VIB A1 is not staged.


VMware vCenter Update Manager 4.0.x
VMware ESX 4.0.x
VMware ESXi 4.0.x Embedded
VMware ESXi 4.0.x Installable


Remediate the host against the staged baseline. Update Manager ignores the earlier versions of the VIBs and installs only the latest versions. The bulletins marked before the remediation as Missing, after the remediation are displayed as Installed because the new versions of the VIBs are applied to the host.