Deleting virtual machines from protected inventory while SRM server is stopped produces the error: Object not found or never existed
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Deleting virtual machines from protected inventory while SRM server is stopped produces the error: Object not found or never existed


Article ID: 343497


Updated On:


VMware Live Recovery


If you use vCenter to delete virtual machines that are part of a Site Recovery Manager (SRM) protection group while the SRM server is stopped, SRM displays the message "Object not found or never existed" in the Virtual Machines tab the next time you connect to the protected site.


VMware Site Recovery Manager 8.x


Before you use vCenter to delete a virtual machine that is part of an SRM protection group, use the Site Recovery Manager plug-in to remove the virtual machine from the protection group.
If the virtual machine has been removed from vCenter before being removed from the protection group, it is necessary to remove the recovery plan and protection group and re-create both.
here are 2 methods to remove duplicate DB VM entries.  

1. Is to use import export tool.  Reinstall SRM cleanly and reimport the configuration.  It should omit the invalid VM.  

2.  Option is to edit the DB.  

Before implementing SRM database changes we need to stop SRM service and take a backup of the SRM database.


As next step we need to run quires similar to those below:

Please keep in mind that commands below are just an example. vmmoid, and mo_id f the vm was taken from VMware internal labs:

vmmoid, and mo_id of your vm will be different.


Commands below need to be run on protection and recovery site.

vmmoid should be the same on both sites. mo_id will be different on each site.


select vmmoid from pdr_vminfo where name LIKE '%DONOTPOWERON%';

You will receive output similar too this:

vm-41:vim.VirtualMachine: bca2c526-####-####-####-########c9f


select mo_id from pdr_protectedvm where vmid LIKE '%vm-41%'; 

You will receive output similar too this:



delete from pd_licensereservation where protectedvmmoid LIKE '%protected-vm-6064%';

delete from pdp_persistablemapentry where mapdata LIKE '%protected-vm-6064%';

delete from pdr_objinfo where mo_id LIKE '%protected-vm-6064%';

delete from pdr_opupdate where objid LIKE '%protected-vm-6064%';

delete from pdr_placeholdervm where mo_id LIKE '%protected-vm-6064%';


delete FROM pdr_placeholdervm where productionvmmoid LIKE '%vm-41%';

delete FROM pdr_vminfo where vmmoid LIKE '%vm-41%';

delete FROM pdr_protectedvm where vmid LIKE '%vm-41%';

delete FROM pds_protectedvm where vmmoid LIKE '%vm-41%';

delete from pdj_dataitem where mo_id LIKE '%protected-vm-6064%';

delete from pdp_persistablemapentry where mapdata LIKE '%protected-vm-6064%';


delete from pdr_vmrecoverysettings where protectedvmmoidint LIKE '%6064%';

delete from pdv_directorylocation where path LIKE '%DONOTPOWERON%';

delete from pdv_filelocation where filename LIKE '%DONOTPOWERON%';