VMware Site Recovery Manager 8.x
Before implementing SRM database changes we need to stop SRM service and take a backup of the SRM database.
As next step we need to run quires similar to those below:
Please keep in mind that commands below are just an example. vmmoid, and mo_id f the vm was taken from VMware internal labs:
vmmoid, and mo_id of your vm will be different.
Commands below need to be run on protection and recovery site.
vmmoid should be the same on both sites. mo_id will be different on each site.
select vmmoid from pdr_vminfo where name LIKE '%DONOTPOWERON%';
You will receive output similar too this:
vm-41:vim.VirtualMachine: bca2c526-####-####-####-########c9f
select mo_id from pdr_protectedvm where vmid LIKE '%vm-41%';
You will receive output similar too this:
delete from pd_licensereservation where protectedvmmoid LIKE '%protected-vm-6064%';
delete from pdp_persistablemapentry where mapdata LIKE '%protected-vm-6064%';
delete from pdr_objinfo where mo_id LIKE '%protected-vm-6064%';
delete from pdr_opupdate where objid LIKE '%protected-vm-6064%';
delete from pdr_placeholdervm where mo_id LIKE '%protected-vm-6064%';
delete FROM pdr_placeholdervm where productionvmmoid LIKE '%vm-41%';
delete FROM pdr_vminfo where vmmoid LIKE '%vm-41%';
delete FROM pdr_protectedvm where vmid LIKE '%vm-41%';
delete FROM pds_protectedvm where vmmoid LIKE '%vm-41%';
delete from pdj_dataitem where mo_id LIKE '%protected-vm-6064%';
delete from pdp_persistablemapentry where mapdata LIKE '%protected-vm-6064%';
delete from pdr_vmrecoverysettings where protectedvmmoidint LIKE '%6064%';
delete from pdv_directorylocation where path LIKE '%DONOTPOWERON%';
delete from pdv_filelocation where filename LIKE '%DONOTPOWERON%';